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Do you like or write poetry?

There, in the city, one is laid up with his gout;
Another's aches and pains require a doctor's aid.
Why do these countless ills torment the luckless rich?
Why does untimely death so often strike them down?
It is because they scorn the fruitful work of boors,
Lead sinful lives, loaf, sleep too long and eat too much.
But here we simple boors, held by the lords as knaves,
Fed on unwinnowed bread and pallid buttermilk,
Work on the quick each day, as simple folk must do.

I think poetry is a good way of processing things that you might not have the capacity to deal with in many ways.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
I used to when I was younger. Now I only write music.
NiteRaven93 · 26-30, M
Life is but a dream
To live is to be free
To be free you must sacrifice
Sacrifice what you need to live
A dream of life
Magenta · F
Yes, they can be good catharsis.

Once upon a time I wrote many, not much now.
@Magenta I've noticed a deep appreciation of art and poetry from you, and I've seen you write some poetic expressions. You still have that appreciation in you and that's all you need for to find a place to start again with writing.
Magenta · F
@thewindupbirdchronicles Why thank you and also for the encouragement. I mostly feel it's lost. My muse deserted me, ha.
You paint words well. I wonder too why do these countless ills torment so many. They are chasing that unwinnowed bread and pallid buttermilk, that simple folk do, while we all tussle wanting more?
Sometimes but more in the past than the present . Perhaps one day someone will come along and inspire me again😊

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