haunted place
Morrigan · F
Just a few. But it can be hard to really separate if it was a weird experience or just because of the build up and all the stories about the place.
Maverick96 · 36-40, M
@Morrigan yeah sometimes your mind gets the better of uou
Morrigan · F
@Maverick96 it definitely can
icedsky · 51-55, M
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Many places, yet ghosts/spirits avoid me.
Ferric67 · M
I'm not a believer, yet those stories do fascinate me. I personally know people who have legitimate stories...I just feel there are explanations for them, just not yet understood.
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
Yes a few times the spirit world is very real .
JustEd · 41-45, M
Had the hair stand up on the back of my neck. But that’s about it.
Maverick96 · 36-40, M
Yes multiple :)
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
val70 · 51-55
Spoiledbrat · F
Montanaman · M
Patty81 · 41-45, C
Husband's childhood home was haunted. The basement was creepy AF and they'd see a black dog on the property once in awhile.

Not even once
Because it's all BS
Because it's all BS
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
We looked at a house to but once and they had converted the attic into rooms, when you walked into one of them, you got this eerie feeling