I must tell you this. In the past I suffered the same pain and I would cry out to God all night to help this pain and I asked him to show me what I needed to do to get rid of this pain because there is no sleep with that kind of pain, and he guided me and showed me and I just couldn't function without two things that I take and they work. I know others that swear by them as well. You don't have to stay in all this pain. First of all I want you to take your vitamin D3 but don't overdo it. I want you to take magnesium, and get the organic products for the cartilage collagen capsules, plus glucosamine chondroitin, with MSM, and turmeric combination. Those two products alone will make all the difference in the world. I have no pain when I sleep and I could not walk without these products because I have degenerative osteoarthritis. Take them Faithfully! Then let me know how you feel. They work pretty quick but keep taking them without skipping and you will find relief. Hyaluronic acid would not hurt as well or boswellia. You will find relief.
I can relate. It’s a terrible feeling. Hope it passes soon.
Houdini · 56-60, M
@OlderSometimesWiser so do I it’s really getting me down now. The thing is I just don’t know what is causing it sometimes it’s in my lower back other times it’s in between my shoulders or in my chest. I’ve been to hospital and had some tests done and they have found something attached to my lung. I have to see a specialist in the week about this. I’m hoping it that that’s causing me all these problems. I will be fine all day like there’s nothing wrong. But as soon as I go to bed then bang it starts.
Houdini · 56-60, M
@TryingtoLava not even that works. But I can’t live on Co-Codamol for ever
@Houdini idk that drug in the US its oxycotin my dad uses it
Iwillwait · M
Back pain?