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Some of you are too young to know the pain of taking a dozen pictures and having to wait a couple of weeks to find out they all suсk.

🎶 Some day my prints will come 🎵
LOL - I was in the navy from 1970 through most of 1972. Not one year ago did I FINALLY get a roll of film developed. It cost me about 50 bucks but it was worth it. My mates and I were all totaled and doing disgusting things but those photos I want buried with me 🤣
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Is why 1 hour photo was such a great thing, those places that had them.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@ineedadrink I remember when those came out. They were the sһit.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
Try a month and a half, back in the 70’s!
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@SevIsPamprinYouAlways Oh, my God. I can't imagine.
Well sometimes the wait was worth it too. 😉
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