@Kstrong Lude was having the Dry no alcohol town of Thurmond, WV on one side of the New River and the Saloon/whore house on the opposite side of the New River. There are countless men that crossed that bridge on payday to go to the Saloon/whore house from the town and coal mine that died in fights or died crossing back across the New River bridge while drunk and fell to their deaths.
@WillaKissing thanks for the history lesson, makes one wonder how it would have been.... kind of desolate and lonely now.... how passed thru.... what were ther troubles or trying to forget....
@Kstrong You know it was a Cola mining town that went bust when the coal ran out. I did not live with them, or their, or during the time period it was a town so I cannot answer any issues as to why they had troubles. I do believe Whoring and alcohol abuse are the two oldest abuses in man's history is all I can say.
I went there to tour the Ghost town because I like to do those type of things. Read the history of the place and left. I shared it here is all.