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Endless OS 5.1: Simplicity and Learning


It's not a Distro for someone like me, a Gentoo Linux user who loves tech minimalism and treating computing resources like they're still scarce, even though they aren't because I'm Performance obsessed but most of you aren't me, and this is a Good First stop if you decide to descend the Linux Rabbit Hole, as it's a Distro that's focused on teaching and is dumbed down so your Average Tech Illiterate could still use it and get work done, or at least learn how to Linux before moving on to a more challenging Distro.

The EULA leaves much to be desired and the fact that you're kind of stuck in User land on this one is unattractive to Power users like myself but once I get out of my head and think what it must be like for Someone inexperienced with computers or use to Windows or macOS and just coming over who want a Desktop Operating system that while not completely holding their hands will gently nudge and ease them into the world of Desktop Linux without throwing them completely in head first and seeing if they drown or swim to the surface and I think in "What if I was brand new to Linux?"

I start to wish I had this Distro around when I was new to Linux For someone like me, it was the lets throw him in the deep end and see what happens Approach that ended up shocking even me when I finally learned how the hell to edit the.xintrc file and specify which system for the X window system to initialize.

It's Debian, but a What if Debian was trying to make A Desktop operating system for the 7 billion instead of just the 1337?

-This is a great way to EASE your Way into Linux. Wouldn't necessarily rec it be your Final Distro- but your FIRST distro to get your feet wet in the world of desktop Linux? This is an ideal spot to BEGIN.

Do move on when you're done, though.

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