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Have Cooling Pad Under Gaming Laptop

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All The Time, All Year
Only For Demanding Tasks
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At all times or only when I'm gaming or doing other intensive tasks?
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GrazedByTheVoid · M Best Comment
Only during intensive tasks is fine and dont cheap out on them I highly recommend this one.
@GrazedByTheVoid I've tried clearing dust, re-applying thermal paste, disabling VBS (virtualization based security), undervolting my CPU, and underclocking turbo frequency, but under heavy CPU load, it doesn't really help that much. Although for idling, light-medium load, and heavy GPU load, my laptop is definitely hell of a lot cooler than before. I have recently lowered the P1 and P2 limits, but it was getting late so I didn't test if it really did anything; I'm contemplating if I wanna undervolt the iGPU and dGPU next.
@GrazedByTheVoid i undervolted my CPU by -125mv but that was too unstable so I raised it back up to -100mv. The turbo frequencies were 4.1GHZ and 4.0GHZ, which I lowered to 4.0GHZ and 3.9GHZ; I'll lower it to 3.9-3.8GHZ and 3.8-3.7GHZ and see what happens. P1 and P2 were 45W and 56W, with a turbo limit of 28 seconds; I reduced it to 40W and 50W along with 20 seconds.

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