Serenitree ยท F
People are already complaining about trolls and creeps. When EP got the app, there were a whole lot more of those. I know that people who access SW on their phones would find an app so much better, but it's one of those situations, where one the egg is out of the shell, you can't put it back. I think it would be a great benefit as to growth potential, but I fear the direction that growth might take. MeToo was so great, so easy to use, and suddenly, I found out what "shoutout" meant. The q & a board suddenly became the shoutout board. That was when I seriously considered leaving EP, deleting my account and going elsewhere. Then the decision was taken out of my hands. I've tried half a dozen other sites. The ones with apps were the easiest to navigate, but they were also the ones I walked away from. Got a bunch of dormant accounts around the net, because I couldn't even get an answer to a simple question. How do I log out? Or how do I delete my account? VENT is the worst.
Mar. 29/17
10:23 pm
Mar. 29/17
10:23 pm