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A Google street car passed me by

Perhaps two days ago, a Google street car (or something like that) passed me by while I was on the sidewalk. I've since been checking out the location on Google Maps via street view to see if it's updated yet. I can imagine it would be fun to see myself on Google Maps and show others. I was wearing a white cricket hat, dark blue jacket, light blue jeans and brown shoes. It was very close to the beach.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@JimboSaturn I do my best!
Andrew19EightyFive · 36-40, M
@JimboSaturn Dude, how I laughed when I saw. It looks like you were also wearing a dark blue jacket, light blue jeans and brown shoes. Except I was wearing a white hat, (if I'm not mistaken) a green shirt under the blue jacket and brown sandals or whatever they're called instead of closed shoes. Oh, and I wasn't walking a dog. And not sure whether you were wearing specs, but I was.
calicuz · 56-60, M

I that you Jimbo, you're looking straight into the camera!!! 🤣
Andrew19EightyFive · 36-40, M

That's about where I was (on the sidewalk on the left) when the Google street car passed me heading in that direction. It hasn't updated yet.
This message was deleted by its author.
morrgin · F
One time on Google streetview i came across 2 people standing outside their vehicle that had been pulled over by the police. I would hate having something like that of me online, memorialized until it updated years later
Andrew19EightyFive · 36-40, M
@morrgin The faces and plates get blurred out if I'm not mistaken. Perhaps you were thinking, "Bingo..."
Fairydust · F
My sons is on it with our dogs.
I had one pass me not too long ago!! I forgot about that Im going to have to do a little hunting. I hope i'm remembering where I was properly.
Andrew19EightyFive · 36-40, M
@nonsensiclesnail I'd be interested to see if they captured you.
@Andrew19EightyFive me too! But right now it’s still the old image of they did. It looks like afternoon in the summertime. And this was mid morning when they passed by me.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@nonsensiclesnail No glasses but you have good taste in clothes :P
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Funny I just posted about this week! I was on Google Earth, you will be able to see yourself probably once they udpdate it. Your face will be blurred out though.
Andrew19EightyFive · 36-40, M
@JimboSaturn I would imagine they have software that automatically blurs out faces. If I see myself, I might show people here.
They blur peoples faces and plates out tho 😅
Andrew19EightyFive · 36-40, M
@SStarfish I can imagine it's a lot easier for them to just blur out the faces and the plates from a legal perspective.
@Andrew19EightyFive oh is that why? 😅
Andrew19EightyFive · 36-40, M
@SStarfish Not sure, but it's a possibility. They could include a clause within a Google/Google related ToS with the intent to get people to agree to the processing of their faces and license plates in the case that they're captured, but then there's the possibility that they could capture the face or license plate of someone who isn't a user of any Google services. And it looks like there's new legislation out that requires one to gain the permission of another before publishing video or a photograph of him or her.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Yes they blurred out my face. Mine is back in 2009.
Ozuye502 · 36-40, M
Tell me you gave it the bird...
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
I saw one pass here too yesterday, but I'm guessing it will take a long time until they actually use the footage (if they even choose to do so at all)
Andrew19EightyFive · 36-40, M
@FeetAreFantastic Yes, if footage was captured there's the possibility it will be discarded if they haven't done so already.
MethDozer · M
One of those damn things tried coming down our shared dirt road years ago and I chased the fucker off by throwing rocks at it.
Fucker had buisiness mapping a dead end dirt road.

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