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I Google Everything

I heard somewhere that technology is making us dumber. Like, we don't use our brains to solve problems any more, we just rely on technology. But when I want to learn something, i will Google it and get my answer! So in a way, isn't technology making me smarter? I guess it all depends on how we use it. Like TV!
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You answered your own question there.
Yes every solution is a few clicks away, but will you retain that information?
Perhaps if it's something simple you'll remember it, but when it's something complex that requires multiple steps you probably won't remember it, therefore you haven't learned anything and will have to rely on google in the future.

It also makes learning by doing basically useless for younger generations. Kids these days don't even know how fix their bicycles without having to google everything 😔
WifeyAndHubby · 36-40, C
Well, when the phone dies, we're back to base level intelligence. With whatever we did or didn't know to begin with. Sure google helps answer a quick question or a bit of trivia but at the end of the day it's destroying our retention of knowledge.

I think the real problem is related very well in the movie "Idiocracy" Specifically in the first few minutes. High i.q. couple waits to have children, they wrestle with the implications. Low i.q. couple reproduce on a whim. He's got kids with the wife, the neighbor and the woman down the road. Five instead of one or two. Follow the trend for a few generations and it's essentially a story about evolution. With the end result being people of very low intelligence.
Repete · 61-69, M
I like your first statement( when the phone dies) I remember when the phone was hooked to the wall and it was used to talk on .oh lord I'm old nooooooooo.@WifeyAndHubby
I guess Google is good for information, but it's not good for creativity. I think that's what the show said, too: technology is bad for our creativity. Like, we don't allow ourselves to get bored anymore so our brains have a chance to come up with new ideas. We just go online!
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@cherryblueberryraspberry why isn't google's information index good for creativity?


also why technology also? please explain how technology is bad for this.

cite sources, on how this has not reformed how we do things and connected those with like minds an brought on progress in this valued format which i believe has increased and diffused creativity.
@sighmeupforthat There was this show on TV called America Inside Out. That's where I heard this info. Maybe this is what the show meant: Like if we didn't have all this social media and screens to go on all the time, maybe instead, we would all be sitting around thinking up cool stories to write or unique products to make or incredible artwork to create?
Repete · 61-69, M
I was doing good reading everyone's posts until I got to one that talked about phone dying a phone you talk into it use to be hooked to the wall and you couldn't reach into your placket to google things . Times they have changed.z
Batman · 41-45, M
Agreed its the older generations that don’t love technology
Totally agree!
Yea Google is awesome.
PUBGGuy · 36-40
Technology is definitely making us...arrogent, we aren't disciplined in taking the time to learn or experience and use the knowledge we've attained, and since theres no discipline to get it, we don't use it for its suited purpose. We a way dumber but we're very arrogant in the knowledge we attain through tech like google. My opinion anyway.
JP1119 · 36-40, M
Google is giving you more knowledge, but it’s making your brain lazier and less able to problem solve.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
i don't listen to people who blame everything else but themselves.

i'm not sure how utilizing the technology and researching using tools of technology is making us dumb.

that's just a dumb assessment from people who are afraid of the power of knowledge being made easily accessible.
sexysam · 51-55, M
If you really think, crap google is the end of world...think about it..

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