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Gaming question information please

I'm buying my oldest son a gaming pc he wants for Christmas he sent me a link to a quite cheap in price gaming Keyboard and mouse, is it worth spending a bit extra for a hyperx one or does any gaming ones do the job ok?
NerdyPotato · M Best Comment
All the gaming ones probably do the job, unless he has very specific wishes. But if he asked for the cheap one, that's clearly enough for him.
@NerdyPotato omg, neither do I.. I really don't understand them
greensnacks · 31-35, F
@NerdyPotato TSK. We do just fine. 😤 It's the storage that's usually more an issue. It's more convenient, I can lie down or sit or jump on one leg and play. Not stuck behind a desk, just like at work 😭
And the joystick is more convenient, tv is larger and prettier with the colors.
@greensnacks ok, those are definitely advantages. 😅

Ontheroad · M
Most any decent mouse and keyboard will work. I've used Logitech for years and they aren't expensive.

It's the PC that is the tricky part... depends heavily on the games he wants to be able to play.
@Ontheroad well I haven't a clue, we got one from pc specialist based on what he asked for but a bit better than what he was asking for.
It's his first gaming pc so it's a learning curve for all of us
Ontheroad · M
@AbsolutelyFabulous then you are probably set... anyone who knows PCs knows what to build/buy off the shelf, and getting one that's a bit better will keep you from buying a new one every couple of years.
Sapio · 51-55, M
Keyboard and mouse combinations don't have to be fancy schmancy. Logitech makes an inexpensive keyboard and mouse which will work great with any gaming pc.
@Sapio great, thank you for letting me know
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
they don't have to be anything fancy most games you can plug a controller in and use that instead of the keyboard and mouse
@GeorgeTBH oh great, thank you
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
There's nothing wrong with a basic keyboard and mouse. I use a gaming laptop and a basic Logitech wireless mouse
HannahSky · F
@deadgerbil in your mother's basement?
Any halfway decent keyboard and mouse should be fine. I use a set I got on sale on Amazon.

If he finds he has specific preferences later on he can upgrade to something else later. It is alot easier to start with something less expensive to figure out what works and what your preferences are before you splurge.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
I have an all AMD chipset and GPU, ASUS gaming laptop that's been working well since I bought it. most games I play are a few years old though. I didn't get a special kb and mouse
A good quality gaming headset is a gamechanger. (I dont play, but i know it changes the quality of the sound experience)
@OogieBoogie thank you!! Its so bloody confusing trying to buy these things
@AbsolutelyFabulous i know!
It nutz.
You just get lost in all the jargon and hype.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Hmm, depends on how into it he is.
If he really is into it, look a cheaper brand but see if you can get a mechanical keyboard.

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