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is this thing alive? read and comment.

Poll - Total Votes: 6
seems pretty human to me
nah not even all that could just be programmed
this is, interesting, I wait for more
This is scary,, turn that thing off
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the Turing test, invented by Alan truing way back in the 40s posits this test

"is the entity I am chatting with a person or a computer"

he suggest a passing grade, as in

"I cannot tell that this is a computer" proves something

a google engineer things one of the AI there has Woken up and is now a person

read the chat for your self
what do you think?

ArishMell · 70-79, M
The thing was no more than a computer programme written by a person, run on a computer operated by a person. Even if you switch off the mains, you won't "kill" it because it is no more a living person than a teddy-bear is a real bear.

Never mind "artificial intelligence" - a dubious concept or perhaps at best a term of convenience. The incident rather suggests one or two of the Google staff are no brighter than they should be.
@ArishMell everything I read in it's co0mmunications can indeed be the result of scriting
The thing was no more than a computer programme written by a person, run on a computer operated by a person
the base code was indeed written by a person, BUT then they let a neural network , adapt and evolve, based on it's internal weighting and exposure to an enormous data of facts about our world. this took much of it's development out of the hands of human programmers.

to me, what is important is not HOW it was built, but HOW it is evolving on it's own.
I am unconvinced without further information.
but someday.....
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@SatyrService If it can evolve its own decision-making, it's because it's been designed to do that, but it is still nowhere near being any sort of sentient, conscious being. It is still only a machine; a matrix of transistors that can work only by the binary (on/off or 2-way) Logic invented by John Boole in the 19C.

Its limits are set partly by the computer's processing power, but more significantly by what information its programmers give it or allow it to find, how they allow it to do that and what they allow it to do with that. It could print out stuff permissible in its own terms, but which may be either rigorously correct, or be no more than utter rhubarb.
allow it to find, how they allow it to do that and what they allow it to do with that.

can ANYONE prove they are sentient? so far there is no real test for that.
I cant prove I am,, can you?

@ArishMell remember much of the information it has is NOT given to it by a human, most of it
it's instructions come from the neural net process, not a coder.
and tho binary,, that neural net process is not. it is about weighting of the nodes. Just Like Organic forms
what the AIs have now, is access to more information than the humans in charge can even track, much less forbid
The same can. be said of humans,, we can only act with the ideas and data we have, and most of that is from other persons. Persons have biases and they get passed on.

But more Important is the idea of sentience. what is it and how can we tell?

i think in some time,, perhaps soonish, some kind of machine will wake up
Carissimi · F
I heard about this. I’ll read it too, but it’s very disturbing if true that it would be like death for it, if turned off. That brings ethical dilemmas to a new level.
*Well, I read it, and all I can say is, “WOW! Is it really sentient? I don’t know. It sounds like it is, but who can say. It is incredible though.
@Carissimi @MasterLee
it seems close indeed. I wish WE could have a chat with it.
at least this one seems nice some of the other candidate AI's have picked up biases from humans.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@SatyrService they turn racist and bitter
@MasterLee I have seen this. tho my sourcing is as yet incomplete.
many of those got so by interacting with humans

this is going to be an interesting decade
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Any chatbot could pass the Turing test if it introduces itself as a ten year old who is just starting to learn whatever language the other person is speaking.
Technically it doesn’t pass the Turning test as he knew he was talking to a computer.
Sharky86 · 36-40, M
Reality and sci-fi are not the same thing...

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