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I Am On the Computer Too Often

I need it for my work, so there's several hours there. And, then there's catching up with the news, family and friends. Did I mention fun?
trackboy · 22-25, M
how often do you need to change vacuum tubes in your Univac??? 😺
trackboy · 22-25, M
@glad18 how did he like changing the vacuum tubes in his computer and his tv set and radio??? long live the vacuum tube! if it cant be done with tubes it is not worth doing! 😺
glad18 · M
He was a mathematician, so he had someone change the tubes for him.
You are retro!
trackboy · 22-25, M
@glad18 he did not go to the store and get the sheet of numbered stickers? you put one on the tube, the other on the tube socket so you would get the tube back in the right socket after checking the tubes at the store on the tube tester at the store. long live vacuum tubes!!!!! 😺

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