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Black Energy

n an age of technological marvels there have been always those that will use the technology developed to achieve diabolical and selfish ends. The obsession for more power, control, and wealth has been the greatest instigator of all the wars and acts of aggression all through-out history. As with all the good that technology has brought to mankind so too has great evil been unleashed.

Today, there are those whose destinies are chartered by an unrelenting obsession for more power, control, and wealth. It is those individuals who have come to realize that for all the good that technology has been implemented so too it can be used to achieve their deceitful intentions. Mankind has reached a pivotal point in history, an age of light speed communications. Computer technology has created many avenues that have benefited humanity. But, with all of mankind's ingenuity there has to be personal responsibility that justifies there uses. When that personal responsibility is corrupted grave injustices will occur. Many have said mankind has reached another plateau in human development, innovation and achievement. Then again what mankind is witness to today by man's inhumanity to man and nature have we really reached that other plateau?

What we are witnessing today is the use of technology developed not as a means to a greater and better end but to threaten and destabilize a nation. It has come to the attention of United States cyber security officials that Russia is capable of using a particular software program to actually not only threaten but can literally turn the tables on a whole societies infrastructure. The devastation caused by what is now known as Black Energy can disrupt communications to the point that what we are accustomed to today like ATM's and other financial tools as well as suppliers of basic electricity could in all probability be shut down. A real life threatening occurrence just as destructive as an atomic bomb is the danger faced today.

This malicious software, this Black Energy has not only intrigued but is so frightening to cyber security experts because of its intent and because where Black Energy has originated from. Black Energy is designed to target critical energy infrastructure originated with Russian government-sponsored cyber security professionals. Just recently Russian chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov recently claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a greater threat to the United States than ISIS, al Qaeda terrorist groups and Boko Haram put together. Just how serious Russia's intentions really are is plainly evident when in 2014, President. Putin blatantly, publicly and unapologetically violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which prohibits Russia from possessing missiles that could be used against targets in Europe. He is firmly convinced to make Russia resemble the old Soviet Union. And, now with a destructive "Trojan Horse" computer software that was created by a group of these very sophisticated cyber professionals sponsored by the Russian government gives Russia and President Putin the technological ability to shut down any countries electrical grid, oil and gas pipelines, water distribution systems, nuclear plants and virtually anything else tied into computers. And, Russia can do it with just a push of a button.

The scariest part is the fact that today according to the Pentagon there is no defense against it. In other words this Black Energy is the MRSA of the computer world. Today, contrary to what is told to the United States population we are quite literally at the mercy of Russia. If this cyber infection is transmitted and passes through every firewall around this Black Energy infection will switch off our whole energy grid, our water supply systems and every energy pipeline across the country. Now, for a moment just think of the scenario if our computer systems were invaded by this Black Energy virus. Not a pretty picture for sure. A nation wide panic would ensue and countless millions will perish. Questions have to be asked with concise answers to stop this diabolical threat.

But, this is just part of the problem facing the United States today. As those budget cutting blood hounds most notably our Republican led financial wonders of political expediency continue their assault on the general publics welfare they just can't seem to grasp the seriousness of how vulnerable we really are. Vulnerable, from both national and international turmoil. The constant threats coming from seemingly all directions combined with the likelihood of a Black Energy strike our future as a nation remains in grave jeopardy.

To stop the imminent threat of a Black Energy virus attack and to restore this nations ability to safeguard our infrastructure so that we actually are capable of defending and eliminating any and all threats revolutionary reforms must be implemented. Education is paramount to ensure the American Public of why these reforms are needed and what precisely they will do to achieve the stability, security and the prosperity for this nation and every American in it. For this purpose National Economic Reform's Ten Articles of Confederation when implemented will be the tools that this country needs to address the many internal crisis we face and posture a non combative approach that we haven't had for years in our foreign policy.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
There is a defence against Russian or other hostile State interference, and it is basic although it might be expensive to implement - stop relying on the public Internet and the near-monopoly of Microsoft operating-systems for sensitive communications, administrative systems and data.

Think of this case, and I do not know if and how it was resolved:

A few years ago the US government wanted to extradite a Briton for having penetrated the Pentagon's software. Would he have received a fair trial, let alone a just jail sentence if that was given? I do not know - but do think he should have been invited to the States and given a medal instead for warning of the fragility of the Pentagon's security.

Was the hacker some Kremlin or Beijing "sleeper" agent living a life of unimpeachable character so no-one would suspect him of anything?

No: if he'd been that MI^ and the CIA would have been onto him immediately.

He was just an autistic teenager playing on his computer in his bedroom.

If any national - or commercial - organisation is so lax it cannot really complain when attacked.

Similarly, recently a contract pathology laboratory in England was hacked to steal patients' medical records: why was it possible to have been hacked, and why - not how but why - could the hackers obtain identifiable records? Why had it and its NHS customer not exchanged the records reduced to coded numbers, on a USB stick used only on off-line computers, delivered by hand with the blood samples concerned?

(In the UK we have National Insurance numbers, National Health Service numbers, and if we have hospital treatment also Hospital Numbers. My GP surgery also uses names and dates-of-birth. So use encoded versions of those numbers and ages - no names and addresses, and certainly not on any IT system vulnerable to penetration.)


You describe mankind as on a "plateau". You may be right, and we should reflect a plateau is a hill with a broad, flat top, so we can wander around in circles on its top but climb no higher, if we go over the edge anywhere can only go downhill.

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