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UK government orders Apple to open a backdoor into all encrypted iCloud accounts


I think, that Apple ought to Refuse to Comply, and Let the UK government know if they go through with this Apple will not sell its products in the UK rather than comply. Encryption is that important, it's that or BUST.
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ElwoodBlues · M Best Comment
That kind of thing doesn't end well. As already happened with Verizon & AT&T, the backdoor system becomes a super high value target for state level hackers from places like China, Russia, and North Korea (and probably the NSA and others, who knows).

Chinese Access To AT&T/Verizon Wiretap System Shows Why We Cannot Backdoor Encryption Tue, Oct 8th 2024

According to the reporting, the hackers, known as “Salt Typhoon,” a known Chinese state-sponsored hacking effort, were able to breach the networks of telco giants Verizon and AT&T.

The Wall Street Journal says that officials are freaking out about this, saying that the “widespread compromise is considered a potentially catastrophic security breach.”

Here’s the thing: whenever you set up a system that allows law enforcement to spy on private communications, it’s going to become a massive target for all sorts of sophisticated players, from organized crime to nation states. So, this shouldn’t be a huge surprise.
Also see https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/10/reports-china-hacked-verizon-and-att-may-have-accessed-us-wiretap-systems/
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
@ElwoodBlues Congrats on best comment.
@PDXNative1986 Thanks!!

MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Yes, cryptography is my latest passion
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
@PDXNative1986 the gov could care less about it, they aren't the ones losing money
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
@MyNameIsHurl in the United States, Hollywood pays for lobbyist who Wine and Dine Congressmen and Senators so that the house and senate are financially in bed with the Success of the entertainment business. As a result, They're the ones who bankrolled their Campaigns, so they try very hard to enforce.

Anyway, I said Potential. I have no plans to run around breaking into people's iCloud accounts, but, if I knew there was data I wanted in them, I might, or simply pay someone else to.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
@PDXNative1986 you know Apple is paying $1 mil to hack it's AI cloud?

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