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UNSUPPORTED MACs with Monterey & Ventura - Ultimate Tutorial!


Going to get Monterry up and running on a Mac Mini from Late 2014 and then


Open Terminal on your macOS device

Run the following command to disable Library Validation and enter your password when prompted.

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.security.libraryvalidation.plist DisableLibraryValidation -bool true

Follow the instructions below for your device type

Physical Mac, INTEL, official software

Run the following commands to force your Mac to reboot into recovery mode:

WARNING: This will instantly reboot your Mac. Save everything before executing these commands!

sudo nvram internet-recovery-mode=RecoveryModeDisk

sudo reboot recovery

When you are booted into Recovery Mode:

Click on Utilities in the top menu bar

Select Terminal

Type this command and hit enter to disable SIP: csrutil disable

Click the Apple logo in the top menu bar, then click Restart

Stealing fire from the gods. Hahaha, $154 and I'll have access to basically everything iMessage, including Registering my ANDROID phone number.

My bubbles will be Blue and Bitches dumb enough to think iPhone is a Status symbol won't know.

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