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I leave tabs open on my laptop and my phone

If I look something up I most of the time keep it open. I can build up over a hundred on my phone. On my laptop maybe like 20. Anyone else do this. I’m working on not doing it. I got around 20 on phone now.
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twiigss · M
Usually what I do is, pull up the browser on my phone, look through my news feeds, read a couple stories, jump on SW to see replies or posts etc., but then I will close out of the browser, press the 3 lines and clear all. I think leaving the browser open uses up battery more so than if it were closed but I don't know about that, just more of an internal thought that I've always had.

And on the PC I don't do this at all. I might have at once, 4 tabs open, but most times if I'm not gonna be on the internet, the browser is closed.

If there's something I want to search for but I'm working, well we can't have our phones out on the floor, so I get a sticky note, write down whatever it is I need to remember, and then stick it to my phones screen so when I go to break, first thing I see is my sticky note that I forgot about. It works well actually, and doesn't leave behind any kind of residue from the sticky note.
No way... I close every tab when I'm done with it.
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
@NerdyPotato yeah, I know sometimes I think I wanna go back to it again. Sometimes I also look it up and think OK there it is cause. and I don’t want to forget about it I will read it more later. Or I will think of something and then search it, so I don’t forget. Sometimes I think of things I wanna search for that and I forget what it was. Lol.
@Jonjdw that's what I use bookmarks for. 😅
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
@NerdyPotato yes I have a list in bookmarks of sites I will keep visiting. But I still like to leave them up. I have ten up on laptop right now. 30 on my phone. Lol. It’s crazy I guess. My phone used to have over 100 pretty much all the time. My phone I believe up shopping things cause I got tired of shopping and I’ll just stay there. I’m shopping around.
Unseen notifications, opened tabs drive me insane. So no. One tab only. Clean plate. Bookmarks are for anything I wanna read later.
I currently have 87 open on my phone
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
@SW-User wow, I’m not the only one
@Jonjdw you’re definitely not
I usually only have one. I delete tabs more than is good for me because sometimes I delete them and immediately realize I still needed them.

I have 5 tabs open right now and it's way too much.
@SinlessOnslaught that's were the "reopen closed tab" comes in handy. 😌
I used to have 50 to 150 webpages open in one browser. And I uses 3 browsers.

But now I have reduced it.

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