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Samsung Z Fold 3 t

I bought a samsung fold 3 refurbished off amazon during the winter, and it is really great, but I type really fast and this very annoying popup asking for microphone permissions pop up every few words. I won't always notice it and it can cause the browser to close or make me go back to a previous page. It has happened 8 times while typing this.

People use this phone as a business device, this exact older model still sells as new on Samsung's website for $1700 so I'm guessing all these business owners using it as a tiny laptop have a way around this problem. I'm under no circumstances giving permission to samsung voice imput. I do Open Source Intelligence as a hobby, and I'm certain my phone gets probed by foreign governments and my own during online OSINT meetups. I don't want to make it any easier to hack into my devices and make listening easier, so won't ever be turning that on.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Although I am no expert on these things, if you use that 'phone for business purposes would it not be safer to keep it only for such business?

Use a totally separate instrument for private use, especially things like mail-order purchases.


As for Amazon, I tried to use it for the first time a few days ago when It advertised a particular text-book I need.

It wanted me to open an "account" - why, for Heaven's sake, do mail-order companies think that necessary? I know - so they can bombard me with rubbish "offers"..

It rejected my mobile 'phone number for lacking an "area code". Of course it does not have that - an overseas format if the transaction was off-shore, maybe, but an area code, no.

Worryingly though it rejected my e-mail address because, Amazon alleged, there was already an account at that address.

Liars! There cannot be, unless someone is hacking either me or Amazon, perhaps.

Needless to say I closed the site immediately and will not trust Amazon in future.

I found the book elsewhere, from a book retailer in my own country, not some giant US corporation..
Onasander · 41-45, M
@ArishMell I don't use it for business purposes. I read alot and do intensive internet searches when doing OSINT and wanted a bigger screen. Plus I use it as a TV when I'm too alone, just put scifi from Pluto TV on it and let it play for hours so I hear noise.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Onasander Ah - I see: I misinterpreted you. Sorry! You mean the model of 'phone is often used that way by others.

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