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WIN-10 Toolbar Query - Unsolicited Links

I've just cleared clutter symbols I do not need - including for Cortana and Edge - but now Spotify's keeps appearing each time I turn the computer on.

Closing it works only for that session.

Is it possible to switch off, easily, such unwanted symbols so they stay off, please?
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UKNaturist · M
Need to remove it from your startup menu. Download a program called Ccleaner which is a junk remover deleting junk from your operating system. One of the options it contains is a list of everything in your startup. These are programs that start everytime you start your computer. Find Spotify and disable it from your startup programs
twiigss · M
So if you haven't figured it out yet, I started having the same issue a week ago. Spotify just decided it was going to pop up on my taskbar. There is a way to turn it off.

Right click the taskbar and then left click on Task Manager. At the top, left click on the tab that says Startup.

You'll then see a list. This list are things that you are allowing to either startup when the computer starts or disable, meaning it shouldn't start. Anyway, right click the Spotify icon and it should pop up a box, click on Disable. Next time you start your computer, Spotify should not start. I disabled it on my computer and the icon hasn't come back. You can do this for any of those items in the Startup list in Task Manager.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@twiigss Thank you.

Yes, I have found the list, and managed to "uninstall" (why can't they just say, "remove"?) quite a few programmes, not just Spotify.

I think the biggest was Skype, but the one that proved obstinate was Cortana. It might be too tightly bound up with Windows itself to be removable without damaging the OS.
twiigss · M
@ArishMell if it's something pre-installed you can turn it off or on through that startup list you don't really have to uninstall it. I use Skype daily but not Spotify
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@twiigss Ah, thankyou! They are probably still all retrievable, but most are ones I just don't need or want anyway.
trackboy · 26-30, M
You can cover it with a sticker
trackboy · 26-30, M
@ArishMell you could watch Monty python flying circus. there is the department of silly walks. the society for putting things on top of things. the dead parrot skit and the naughty bits. 🍪
ArishMell · 70-79, M
trackboy · 26-30, M
@ArishMell what was the subject??
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
@UKNaturist @ChemDawg

Thankyou. I'll try these. The Control panel route looks the simpler so I'll try that first.

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