Does anyone have any idea what might be causing it and how to fix it? I did a system restore to the date before it started happening but it didn't help. Oddly, a few days after that it randomly stopped doing it for a few weeks and now it's back.
This is an old screenshot I took when it was first happening but now when I take one, everything looks normal, even though it isn't... so that's even stranger. It used to show up in screenshots but not anymore 🤨
Most likely a loose connection problem (the internal cable connecting the motherboard to the screen), so I would not recommend trying to figure it out on your own, unless you really know what you're doing.
@Makayla It’s less about being a techie, and more about having experience doing it. They pack everything so tightly inside a laptop, if you’re not doing this on daily basis, you’re not likely to be able to put it back together properly.
Looks like laptop display driver issue or maybe laptop screen is badly damaged which has to be replaced dear.
@ButterRobot Better not be. I don't need thislaptop for very long, it was a temporary replacement for my real one which will be getting fixed soon.If only this lasted another few weeks... that's all I need, at the most.
@Makayla yeah..i know you dont want to hear it, but it does sound/look like a hardware problem. The only other thing you might try is to remove the driver and let it detect the display (if you can manage that).