Radical · 31-35
No way, man. Cats rule. Obviously. They used to be worshipped as gods, after all and rightfully so.
Radical · 31-35
I'm not one to argue about cats. I love them all dearly. If you mean cat and dog wars though then it's just a joke.
1961dave · 61-69, M
I've had dogs and cats, they both rule!!
Firechiic · 26-30, F
Ah yes rag dolls are amazing aswell, they put up with quite a lot, they're a sweet breed for sure. But siamese Re so graceful and if they trust you it actually means something, which makes it that much sweeter in my opinion. I really dont feel like getting into a heated argument over cats, please keep it friendly ^_^
Radical · 31-35
Either way it's pretty much the same. Click select a category in the questions section or click on a story group and you should see the option to.
Firechiic · 26-30, F
Thats nice. Oh also I'm new here, how do I write a post?? The formatting is different than the Me too app
AL0001 · 46-50, F
Aaahhhh! I can only choose one? 😺 Um, really do like them All, though I'd probably have a hard time with Siamese since they are so vocal and not friendly with strangers. maine coon And rag dolls look amazing!
Radical · 31-35
Do you mean a question or a story?
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Firechiic · 26-30, F
Thank you!! Much appreciated
Radical · 31-35
That's heart breaking....
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
the one that stays away from me
1961dave · 61-69, M
Firechiic · 26-30, F
Siamese, or basically any with long fur and blue eyes.
Firechiic · 26-30, F
A story
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
dogs rule 🐶