Radical · 31-35
Pyro sounds like a pretty cool name for a cat. Nice. @eunlee
unepetitereveuse · 22-25, F
I named mine Mackerel and Muffin. <3
smiler2012 · 61-69
radical we got ours from a animal rescue so she was already named jess we got her as a kitten so we stuck with her name she was given she is marked like postman pats cat hence her name
Miepje, Mendy, Koos and Moortje, all did become quite old with their name's.
Radical · 31-35
I see. I actually forgot that cats from rescue shelters are already named. @smiler2012
vikiii · 31-35, F
paws :) i also used to have a cat called spikey when i was younger. :)
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eunlee · F
Our cat names pyro,helmet,batik & kidlat. 😆
Lulu and Booboo
Tigerlily and Simba
GoneByeNow · 41-45, M
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Had a kitty once that suffered intestinal flatulence..
So, I called him 'fartknocker'
So, I called him 'fartknocker'
Radical · 31-35
Oh man. That sucks...