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How many of you do practice??

I am very much fond of animals and pets such as cats, dogs and cattle etc, i usually do all these coz i feel to do it from heart:

1. I'm a pure vegetarian so i don't harm them for meat or fur etc.
2. I give them food whenever and wherever i find them hungry and helpless.
3. I use to play with them esp. cats and dogs.
4. I take care of them by washing them whenever required.
5. I keep food and water for them to quench their uncertain thirst during hot climate and longed hunger.
6. I never beat them up as they feel the pain too..

I do all these, coz they do have emotions and they should be treated well....

after all we are fortunate to be humans and they are animals, even they have the right to live.

Please guys at least help them whenever required.

blueumbrella · 31-35, F
And what about human beings? Shouldn't they be cared for the same way too? But we usually neglect, abandon, and become irritated or angry if we see someone begging for food or even a normal child wanting a toy or a sweet is scolded. Lots of them are denied the basic freedom of being who they are, they have to be what someone wants them to be. Isn't that worse than keeping animals chained or in the cages?
Bond007 · 31-35, M
@Gangstress: im referring more to street dogs and cats/street animals who have been abandoned. If a human treats animals with love means obviously he or she would never give utmost love and care to his or her family..
Bond007 · 31-35, M
@SimplyTracie: Men who beat their wife are not humans but a real psycho...he should just be kicked in return
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@Bond007: this happens daily.. I blame parents buying their children pets rhat aren't loved. Christmas presents that are joyful for one day then get forgotten about. It's a regular occurance. You see it everywhere
Bond007 · 31-35, M
i appreciate your concern my friend, we have to act like human; help the needy ones and support the weak ones. its just i feel that if humans are not ready to help humans, but at least humans can help oneself, stand in their own feet; work and earn. Animals unless they are wild, they are needed to be helped and supported @blueumbrella
blueumbrella · 31-35, F
I'm not saying animals shouldn't be helped, i'm just saying that we forget human beings, we dont care for them as much as we care for animals and pets. And it's not necessary that someone who cares for animals will also go and care for their loved ones. I've seen the opposite, people would care so much for animals but nothing for their family or people they know. I'm just saying, we shouldn't forget human beings also.
Bond007 · 31-35, M
@blueumbrella: you are true and i support your statement; People who just ignore their loved ones now, will suffer later coz when one is young, one has the zeal to do anything. The day one will grow old than would realize the importance of near and dear ones..
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