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Shawna · 36-40, F
Cat nip, lots of cat nip
Cavedweller · 46-50, F
@Shawna My vet suggested putting double sided tape on the affected areas; her paws will get sticky and she'll lose interest.
Shawna · 36-40, F

Try this. I got this one plus the Kong incline cat scratcher. They are cheap and the same size. I have mine attached together.

How old is the cat? Sofa? And how long has the cat been doing this?

If it's been going on awhile, u may have trouble correcting the behavior and it might take more time.

If u have the time and/or this behavior has not been going on long, this could work for you:

My cat trys to steal your food, and I have a small spray bottle (got at Walmart in the travel sized stuff area for like $1) I purchased for misting plants. I've used it on the cat and she learned quickly not to try and take food.

If you're busy and/or this behavior has been a problem for awhile, a spray bottle might not do anything. I have seen scratchers made for sticking on the sides of furniture. I think this will encourage the behavior so I wouldn't recommend it.

AliceTinker · 51-55, F
Rub catnip and valerian on posts.
Cavedweller · 46-50, F
@AliceTinker I'll try the nip idea.
Prisoner69 · 26-30, M
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@Prisoner69 Sorry to hear about your, penis size..go play with your guns!
Prisoner69 · 26-30, M
@Harriet03 that's a far fetched analysis

Try better logic next time.
Make a scratch post out of your existing sofa and buy a new one!

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