TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Just as friends

Yes. They are sweethearts.

GOLAM · 36-40, M
i bought one puppy once died in 1 week..😭
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@GOLAM 😢🐶RIP Puppy!
GOLAM · 36-40, M
@infinity101 dont be sad..the shop keeper gave me infected puppy. i think..
@GOLAM That's even worse! 😢
USER42 · M
I'd blow your mind if I could talk about mine. How I got him an where we will go.

Experienced33 · M
I prefer cats though .... U_U fluffy would kill me if I betrayed her
@GOLAM secretly ferrets have a special lil' spot up there, but if it weren't for fluffy's ways ...I'd get one U_U sigh
GOLAM · 36-40, M
@GOLAM Fluffy can Hhhiiissssss!and kill
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
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Yes. More than I do a lot of humans. They're something warm to cuddle with and won't stab you in the back or sleep with your girlfriend behind your back and ALL THAT OTHER HUMAN ONLY SHIT! 😠
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Youni19 · 26-30, F
Badly treated, mentally damaged, and badly trained dogs turn on people all the time. Just like humans.
Humans turn on humans all the time too. Also have done much more harm to the world than dogs have @spongemunkey Just think about it
Humans turn on humans all the time too. Also have done much more harm to the world than dogs have @spongemunkey Just think about it
@spongemunkey stfu you stupid monkey.