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A Terrific Tasty Tuesday!

Hey good afternoon all! Snickers the very naughty Saint Bernard here barking that what a beautiful day it is in New England! Soon it will be mud season and I will have lots of running around outside to do. But that can wait because today is a terrific tasty Tuesday! See, Mommy got these new Reebok pumps last week:

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Mmmmmmm all that soft chewy white leather! YUMMM!!!! Well, she has been SUPER stingy with them and I have yet to have a nibble. I’m literally going NUTSO:

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Well, my Cousin Alicia just arrived to doggysit me after school. As soon as she got here, she ran right upstairs and I could hear a commotion. Soon she was back in the living room and I couldn’t believe my eyes:

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She was wearing Mommy’s juicy new Reebok pumps!!!! As I circled around her feet and growled and sniffed, she said she felt bad that Mommy was teasing me with them and that I should get to have them because I’m such a good boy. Before I knew it, I was chasing her around:

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She finally sat down and put her feet up, so they were right at my mouth. I plopped down and immediately wrapped both jowls around the Reeboks and chewed:

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Mmmmmm the first bite! I drowned them in warm slimy doggy slobber:

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I haven’t stopped eating them since Alicia got here. What a terrific tasty Tuesday it is:

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Snickers the hungry Saint Bernard
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Stephie · 22-25, F
Hey Snickers, great job. I see you took some advice auntie Stephie gave you.

You look really good today. A very satisfying pose after a chew. Keep up with the good work 🦮🦷👟
Snickersmom · 46-50, F
@Stephie My wolf dog I had growing up, Kodi:

His favorite as you can see were my new Reebok Freestyles lol
Snickersmom · 46-50, F
@Stephie Snickers here: Thank you Auntie Stephie! I couldn’t help myself:

Stephie · 22-25, F
@Snickersmom He looks cute and his ears are really like the ones of a wolf. I bet he did more damage to them than Snickers would ever do.
Gotta love mud season, we're getting a taste of it right now, been wearing snowpants and my muckboots on walks just cause everything is so muddy and slippery haha
dale74 · M
My voice loved Reebok shoes
Snickersmom · 46-50, F
@dale74 voice???
dale74 · M
@Snickersmom voice to text on the car should have just been I love Reebok shoes. I had one of the original black pair for theater and the kind that ended up having the ripple up on the toe that they did a recall for but they were so comfortable almost nobody exchanged them that was back in the '80s
Matt85 · 36-40, M
that drool, yum. delicious.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
Snickers is happy for fresh sneakers again!!! 😃
Snickersmom · 46-50, F
@Barefooter25 he is for sure lol

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