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The cat story update

So I found out the cat I befriended yesterday which I thought was pregnant has already had her babies but where they are I don’t know but since being at this fishing lake I have seen three more cats and been told they are all feral.

This does make me really sad I hate to think of them on their own with no owner to cuddle up with but sadly it is what it is and she does look well fed as all the people on the lake feed them so that’s something.

I hope to see her again today and I will give her some more Ham 🥰
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@ Twinkles
It sounds like a joke but, according to people who study such things, it is a reality =

"Mind-altering parasite spread by cats makes infected people more ATTRACTIVE, study claims
T. gondii is a protozoan parasite that causes the infectious disease toxoplasmosis
Scientists took photos of people who were or weren't infected with the parasite
People who were infected were deemed to appear 'healthier and more attractive'
The parasite may manipulate us to make us more desirable, helping transmission"

People Infected By Brain-Altering Cat Parasite Are More Attractive, Finds Study

So, if people start telling you how good you are looking you might be infected.
Better work for me then lol 😂 @Diotrephes
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Spiritualangel777 That does seem strange, doesn't it? But a hundred years ago people used to buy "sterilized" tapeworms to ingest in order to lose weight. Don't be surprised if people start to ingest the cat parasite in order to improve their looks.
Mktonght · 61-69, M
Cats are amazing animals, so much more then dogs, they can truly sense your moods and your feelings. You are a special lady if the cat has accepted you.
Try to limit the salty meats, mamma is nursing.😽 A can of cat food, or some chicken might be better.💚
She had some chicken tonight actually… I said if we go to the market again before we leave I will get her a tin of tuna or cat food 🥰 @UnderLockDown
Scarfface · 46-50, M
Cats do quite well in the wild and if they are fed by people and are semi tame they'll be ok.
I hope she will be ok.. she is with me again tonight as we speak she is laying on my lap

Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Speaking of cats, did you know if you get a certain parasite from a cat that it will improve your looks and make you more sexually attractive? The downside is that it can also cause delusions and hallucinations and, in some rare cases, brain cancer.
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She upgraded tonight and had some of our dinner which was chicken lol 😂 @Waymore
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She is currently having cuddles with me @Ferise1
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