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How can I make my new kitten have a bit more of a healthy killer instinct?

I recently got a new cat and two days ago, I baby seagull has has damaged its wing and is unable to fly and it's been hiding in the bushes in my back garden.

When I saw this I took the kitten outside in the hopes that her feline nature would come through and she'd attack, play with, kill and then eat the seagull. I was hoping to film the encounter and put it on my YouTube channel about spiritualism but unfortunately the seagulls mother swooped down and attacked my kitten and shook her up pretty badly.

After a few attempts I managed to hit the mother with a small stone and she's flown off and not come back again

However, my kitten is now too shaken and scared to attack the baby seagull even if I put her really close to it. I've been trying with her quite a few times but unfortunately my sweet baby girl is just too shy to go near it. It's really starting to bug me now because it's summer ATM and I want to sleep with the windows open but if I do, the baby seagull keeps me awake with it's pathetic pleas to it's mother. I'm hoping that as it's not eaten, the seagull will get weaker and that my incentivise my kitten to let nature takes its course but if it's sunny tomorrow I'll want to go sunbathing so I don't want this to go on much longer If it wasn't against my ethics and spiritual believes I'd just kill it with a shovel to put it out of its misery but I'm forbidden to kill animals (or dine on their flesh).

Is there anything I can do to make my cat fierce up?
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WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Can’t tell if you’re being genuine or not… either way, ew.
Neoerectus · M
You need to seek counselling, dude. This behavior can lead to a far darker path.
calicuz · 56-60, M
The "killer instinct" will come naturally, so don't rush it. Let your kitten develop naturally, and be careful when letting her outside while so small. You're actually lucky it was the mother Gull that swooped down on her and not a Hawk.
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I had a hurt bird in my backyard once. I just left him alone. I took a picture of him real quick. He was cute.
…I guess, your kitten has more of …humane instincts than you do… trying to get a helpless baby bird with a broken wing to get eaten. This world is a hopeless place
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
If you left it alone you wouldn't have a problem.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
If they got it they got it. The feral kittens around here are catching bugs and eating them now.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
You should not be allowed to own any pet
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Sounds like the early writings of a mass killer before he writes his manifesto.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
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GeraldVeritasSeeker · 18-21, M
@shakemeup I believe nature is a beautiful thing when allowed to run it's course
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basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
My personal advice is that you definitely need therapy.
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