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Evening chaos

The older dog hates the younger and refuses to sleep by him at night. The younger loves the older and tries to lay by or sleep by him. So it’s musical chairs grumbling and growls until they both settle down. Then we have the tiny psychopath who’s horny and wants to go prowl all night so he roams window to window yowling and driving us absolutely crazy. So yeah that’s my night. How’s yours?
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Chronic hives have decided it'd be a fun night to say hello, so just kinda itchy and getting very stoned while Bob's Burgers plays in the background. 🤔
AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
@thepreposterouspanda I love bobs burgers! 😂
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
@AlittleBitGenX Me too! It's the show I fall asleep to every night haha. So many good episodes. 😌
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Oh how frustrating. My cats haven't been psychotic towards each in months. Which is a good thing. 😅
Glad I had an uneventful evening watching tv then sleeping straight through for once.
The big little one was wallowing around getting herself winded. The little big one was hiding downstairs, probably knows something is up
John628 · 18-21, M
Are they all different breeds? I got two cats and sometimes they bang the doors at night with their heads haha. I can’t sleep rn so ya :) wyd
smiler2012 · 56-60
@AlittleBitGenX 🤷‍♂️from the older dogs view perhaps a bit of jealousy or intolerance of the young welp

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