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i know better but i tried give ashes a buddy

she been on my steps for weeks i feed her,she sleeps on top step or undeer zoom zoom,, so i figure im gonna throw her in house see what she do,i go out throw food as she eating i grab her, she did ninja flips scratch bite and jump on ground and look at me .haha u lil bitch,but i let it go,shes asleep on my top step now
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
I had some outdoor cats like that once. Cats are different than dogs they take time and effort to build trust would I recommend is when you feed her after a little while slowly start petting her letting her know it's okay. Then after a while she will let you know when it is okay to pick her up she will come to you and rub herself against you calmly and purr. When she does that is a sign of acceptance and permission to handle her. When you first pick her up gently cradle hurt from underneath showing her you will support her and not drop her and gently pet her and then put her back down. As you do this over time you will be able to hold her longer and longer and is the trust bills she will even get to where she wants to be inside with you and possibly sleep on your bed
Piper · 61-69, F
You knew better, and now a cat that trusted you is hurt and frightened. OH well...haha. 😐
Lilnonames · F
@Piper nope she sleepin on my top step lookin in window
Piper · 61-69, F
@Lilnonames I read that wrong, and I apologize.
Lilnonames · F
@Piper its ok cat be eating shrimp soon lol
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Not all lost if you have been feeding her regularly.

Just will take a bit more time. Try the other way around. Coax Ashes to her. Don't force it though.
im scared to get chickens.

in case hercules thinks theyre snacks..
Honestly...wjat made you think you could make a cat do something you wanted ,😂
Bang5luts · M
Poor little baby kitty kitty
Lilnonames · F
@NativePortlander1970 and drew blood

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