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What are cats like?

My Mom believes I should adopt a cat, not only to have a furry companion but because they’re better to maintain than a dog. Which is true because growing up my choice of pet was the dog, and training them was a b$tch. I still adore dogs though so getting a cat would be new to me.
@Lilnonames i was talking to lily
Lilnonames · F
@beermeplease oh i blocked her
@Lilnonames aw...she's nice
deadgerbil · 22-25
Cats have their own personalities. My two are very different from each other but both are very nice. One loves to wrestle while the other one is very cuddly
Jexie · 26-30, F
@deadgerbil That's cute
BarbossasHusband · 36-40, M
Cats are kind of like independent kids.
You can train/teach them as much as you want, but ultimately you're simply gonna have to trust that they don't break any rules when you're not watching.
Oh, and they'll always be there when they're hungry.
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Cats are way more loving and devoted than you'd expect. They bond easily. And they take care of themselves.
It's like having a roomate, all you have to do is leave out the food and water and clean out the litterbox.
@robingoodfellow I actually love my cats are entirely independent of me. Yes, they need me for food and the litter pan. I get lots of affection from them, but since I feel they have me on a leash, what love they give is their choice.
perceptivei · 36-40, F
I love cats! Definitely great companions! I'll always have a cat.
Jessie407 · 70-79, M
Make sure you get a bonded pair. That way they can entertain each other (and you when they play).
We took in a mama & her three kittens. They were feral & we fed them in our yard.
Once we gained their trust, we got them to come inside. Now they are no longer roaming our neighborhood bugging the neighbors & they are safe from all of the dangers of outside life!
They're domesticating at their own rates.
@Jessie407 Should someone who’s never had even one cat before begin with two ? 🤔
Jessie407 · 70-79, M
@bijouxbroussard From my past experience, I would. A bonded pair will socialize with each other & grow to trust you quicker ... You didn't break them up from each other.
Cats are VERY social creatures & they become VERY insecure when taken away from their mother & even their siblings.
Our mama & 3 kittens (now grown) curl up together & they are coming around to us.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Cats are great, but you can't expect them to do tricks like a dog. They will learn very quickly to use a litter box, and some can be taught to use the toilet with enough patience.

But where they excel is, they just chill with you. They hang in the same room, with no expectations.

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