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Imagine body shaming another woman for being comfortable with her body

SW-User Best Comment
The part that interests me is that the post you linked is from someone who has gone mad at other people here for body shaming and mean jokes in the past.

Hypocrisy on SW? Imagine my shock
@SW-User exactly ! You can not get on to others for making fun of Mona for being fat but continue to do the sameness to other members.

Yeah, that was some high school shit.
@SW-User I like her, yes and still do but that doesn't mean I agree with everything a friend does and says.
She didn't call any specific person out though, so there's also that.
@HijabaDabbaDoo she should practice what she preaches then cuz she is some one who tends to go off on other people for the same deal

Some one else in the thread said
The part that interests me is that the post you linked is from someone who has gone mad at other people here for body shaming and mean jokes in the past.

Hypocrisy on SW? Imagine my shock

And it’s absolutely true about her. If your her friend get her under control
@SW-User "get her under control" she's not my daughter lmao. You should maybe have this conversation with her directly because I'm not a messenger nor did I sign up to be one. This is starting to sound more personal than it is anything else.
Is your issue with what she said or with her?

Also, none of us are perfect. Maybe people should stop holding others to an unrealistic high standard on here and start looking at patterns of behaviour instead. As far as I'm aware, this isn't a pattern and I don't flip like a switch. The people she called out did it unrelentlessly. That was a pattern. I still don't agree with her post but I'm also not one to jump on a bandwagon unless it becomes a pattern.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
I get "body shamed" all the time... 🤷‍♂️

just recently, I got accused of looking like a "white trash inbred with a big nose"...

what can I say, the Lord chose to endow me with strength, intelligence and a huge plonker... not looks or an annoying abundance of self entitlement... 🤔
iamelijah · 26-30, M
People are weird when other people confident with their own body, suddenly got shut down by shaming them.

I'm boiling reading their comments.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@iamelijah I didn’t see the post that user was referring too. Just the body shaming post.
SmoothKnight · 51-55, M
Nothing surprises me anymore. The vitriolic verbosity of some in this place is astounding. How someone reaches that level of behavior is beyond me.
JesseInTX · 51-55, M
I don’t know why anyone would do that
JesseInTX · 51-55, M
@SW-User looks like whoever posted that has me blocked or I blocked them
No one, ever, should body sham another
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I actually cannot.
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