scabs · 51-55, T
Sniffing everything before I eat or drink it
Elevatorpitches · F
doing wrong things, never grew out of it, always thought maturity would help.
Not moral things, just wrong stuff in general, not knowing stuff everyone else did, skills included.
Not moral things, just wrong stuff in general, not knowing stuff everyone else did, skills included.

I still twirl my hair when I'm trying to concentrate
TomboyGirl · F
@SW-User i twirl my hair alot to. ive sucked my thumb and twirled my hair before lol
ozgirl512 · 31-35, F
Not a good idea ;)

Fiddling with my hair, wetting the bed 😕

Do u have buck teeth ?
TomboyGirl · F
@SW-User i have a bit of a gap between my top front two teeth, a bigger gap between my top fronts and bottom fronts

@TomboyGirl my cousin used to suck her thumb a lot when she was a kid.. her buck teeth are the most adorable thing about her ..
TomboyGirl · F
@SW-User i... dont think ive ever gotten a compliment from my teeth, but thank you