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I Think That Personality Is More Important Than Good Looks

This one stands on its own without explanation but I will say that I've noticed that they often go hand in hand (anyone else notice this?) and both are important in their own right. I consider personality to be a bit more important because mere eye candy can only grasl your attention for so long. Even the most appealing of paintings can lose their excitement if you look at them long and often enough. But I bet if paintings could talk, the most interesting ones would be the ones you enjoy looking at the most.
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crypticcodes · 31-35, F
i agree. and looks only last for so long. but in our society looks really do matter significantly more than personality to the majority. it is unfortunate.
Good analogy .
Wonder what a painting of me would say ?🤔
Wayne91 · 31-35, M
Yeah! Never judge a book by its :D :P
[image/video deleted]
DarkDelight · 41-45, F
@Wayne91 lol 😂 exactly!
gmatthewb · 51-55, M
I fully agree.
laotzu92 · M
Of course, in terms of online friendships here, personality (supported by some intelligence) is all that matters.
YesMan · 36-40, M
They don't always go hand in hand, not in my experience anyway. And personality lasts much loger (and is much deeper) than any kind of good looks. Also, personality can be "not very good but very interesting". Not so sure about the looks though.

OR maybe I have that kind of thinking only because I'm a sarcastic blind douchebag.
DarkDelight · 41-45, F
@YesMan lol it's a good way of thinking
YesMan · 36-40, M
@DarkDelight My thanks.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
well.. i'm screwed. :P

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