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Random Willingness

I think open mindedness is an important aspect for a good and inclusive mentality because a scornful judgement of someone else's views is not made, a person is "allowed" to be what they are without mental hindrance from another.

Now this can be a big thing really, and it accomplishes much for those who consider themselves this or that, they are not subjected to judgement. Obviously, this means they cannot subject others to judgements themselves. You cannot seek freedom of expression but then subjugate someone else's thought process by saying what you think you are, adding a label to the equation. You cannot BE something and push any implied agenda on others by naming yourself by the otherwise "accepted" titles or labels. This even to saying "I'm Russian, Polish, Spanish, Moor, Arab" or whatever!

The only titles we have are "citizen" and "human being".

Open mindedness cannot mean subjugation by another term, you cannot bake a cake and be left alone to eat it. If you are open minded show it! Open minded people want all the freedoms we are said to have to be given them in their fullest meaning, within agreed legal limits in society.

But the premise of another question comes to the fore. Is society anathema to open mindedness?

What do you think?
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Good discussion:
Open mindeness requires a thought process; logical and lacking biased emotional input. If we feel strongly about an issue; FEEL not think, then we as humans, twist our thinking to reflect our feeling, because some confuse "feeling" with "thinking facts" and they are not the same.
You cannot seek freedom of expression but then subjugate someone else's thought process by saying what you think you are, adding a label to the equation.
I think you are referring to hypocrisy and it exists, wildly and freely in this world. One may tell oneself "I have the right to my opinion" but then not allow any other opinion to be expressed...One cannot find freedom if they are hypocritical and demand that others believe as they do; that is tyranical. Labeling others is nothing less than prejudice and discrimination. To make one feel better by trying to make another feel less.

My "favorite" is "the media said it, therefore it is true and your conspiracy theories are stupid and false"...this is the ultimate in CLOSED cannot accept that something could exist if they do not "believe it" to exist. They trust the talking heads and do not apply thought to any process; they absorb and regurgitate words and have no clue how they are being used as "useful idiots" in this worlds schemes, and there ARE many. Evil exists; and all it takes is "for good men and women to do nothing"...and I will add "for every person to NOT question every word of media and just accept what they are told, to be truth".
I think that it takes a CONSCIOUS WILLINGNESS to get past ourselves and wanting to confirm our self importance (by demeaning another human who has open minded or other thoughts that we can't wrap our minds around) and learn how to communicate fairly, clearly and with compassion.

IMHO, lack of Open mindedness and Truthfulness has fueled and fed the regimes of the world in their crimes against humanity.

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