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I Am Not Your Stereotypical Anything

Most people looking at my icon picture would assume that I am gay just because I am showing off my bellybutton. Or for the fact that I have a female bellybutton fethish I have to be gay. I"m not your typical anything. I don't fit into whatever normal is, and whatever that is normal is over rated any way. I don't fit into the typical ADHD and Bipolar person either. I fit in by not fitting in.
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Beachyguy · 61-69, M
Good for you my friend, just be the person whom you are, and enjoy every moment....!!! You sound like a fine person!!! :)
RemovedUsername154760 · 46-50, M
I know that most of the time, my bellybutton fethish is what makes me the black sheep of my family :). Also being the only one in my family with an outie makes it worse.
Beachyguy · 61-69, M
@mlcockrell: Oh please don't worry about it, you are a unique and beautiful person, enjoy your life, screw ''others''' friends or family.... You have to be happy and proud of yourself... You will be just fine, you have a beautiful attitude my friend!!! :)
I don't think people would spend that much time examining your pictures and then draw conclusions about it, no offense. It's ok not to fit, we're all different anyways.
RemovedUsername154760 · 46-50, M
You have no idea the amount of guys that hit on me asking me if I am gay. Which is fine because most of best friends are gay or lebisan. I get the lables I have had them since I was a little kid with my ADHD and Bipolar.
Teirdalin · 31-35
Well you're a stereotypical SW troll/perv. So I mean that's something at least.
RemovedUsername154760 · 46-50, M
How did I become a troll/perv. That's a new one for me.

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