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20 Characteristics of a Wise Man

A wise man shows reverence to the Lord and shuns evil; but a fool is hotheaded and reckless. A quick-tempered man does foolish things, and a crafty man is hated. The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.

A wise person is able to use their experience and knowledge in order to make sensible decisions and judgments.

They Educate Themselves. Wise people learn the basics of personal finance, including information about budgeting, retirement accounts, mortgages, and life insurance. You can’t make solid decisions about money without a deep understanding of all of the elements involved in your finances.

They Are Disciplined. Wise people exercise self-control. If you’ve invested in a stock as a long-term investment opportunity, don’t panic and sell the stock based on one day of volatility. If you have a set budget, use discipline to stick to your budget as you walk though the shopping mall.

They Admit Their Mistakes and Learn From Them. No matter how hard the fall, always get back up and start again. Begin by admitting your mistakes, and then use those mistakes as learning opportunities.

They Are Patient. Patience is a virtue, and valuable when it comes to personal finances. A wise person saves enough money to purchase a fun, new gadget instead of charging it to a credit card. Wise people take their time when making important decisions, like buying a new car, or a home. When you exercise patience, you give yourself a chance to properly gather information, and to weigh all of your options.

They Take Instruction Humbly. A wise person admits that they don’t know everything. They accept the fact that other people are more qualified and more knowledgeable than they are. By valuing others’ opinions and knowledge, a wise person opens up to the possibility of acquiring and retaining valuable information. Wise people are not entitled, and they welcome the input of others.

They Can Handle Rejection and Failure.

A wise person doesn’t worry about rejection when asking for a promotion during a job performance review. A wise person takes action on side business ideas to earn passive income, without worrying about failure. If you don’t risk failure, you may never obtain significant success.

They Know That They Can Only Control Themselves. No matter how hard the fall, always get back up and start again. Begin by admitting your mistakes, and then use those mistakes as learning opportunities.

They Are Guided by Wisdom. Wisdom is better than riches. Wealth is important, but does not take precedence over family, friends, and health. Money should be used as a means to achieving one’s goals, but should not be the end goal.

They don't take advantage of people. They run an honest business and have a good reputation and therefore make more money. Word gets around when business owners are not honest. Your reputation means everything.

They know their priorities. Wise people put first things first and last things last. They put family time first, before hobbies or free time. They pay off debt, before they buy something new. Wise people have their lives sorted out, and they know where they should direct their attention.

They are trustworthy and steadfast. A wise person treats others as they want to be treated. God will bless their life and prosper them. Jesus is who we turn to and who we need to trust, in times of need and for solid advice and guidance.

They take calculated risks. Without some risk, there is limited chance of success. Wise people take risks in support of their goals, without endangering themselves or harming others. Most great stories about entrepreneurial success started with someone taking a chance.

They make the most of their relationships. Wise people understand and revere the power of networking. They don’t shy away from asking advice of successful friends and family members, but in the end, go with what they think is best, based on the information they have collected. Wise people continue to learn and increase their base of knowledge, and they know this is significantly impacted by the relationships they cultivate.

Wise people accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and let Him lead in all their decision making. When they honor and put Him first, He blesses the family, business, and prospers them.

They don't live beyond their means. Wise people pay their bills on time and only buy things they can afford. They don’t feel pressured to spend money on items they don’t need.

They don't pay full price. Wise people clip coupons, sign up for discount clubs, and shop during sales. They don’t mind holding up the line at the grocery store while cashiers ring up coupons (i.e. extreme couponing). They willingly buy half-price sweaters in the summer, and discounted sandals in the winter. They comparison shop online to find the best prices for big purchases, and they never, ever pay full price.

They don't squander money. Whether it’s a tip, winnings from a poker game, or a well-deserved bonus at work, wise people know they need to save or invest this money. Many people squander “found” money, but wise people know this money can help them achieve their long-term financial goals. Instead of wasting this money on something that won’t last or on items they don’t need, wise people put found money to work for them.

A wise man doesn't tell everything he knows. He keeps business, seperate from his personal life, and trusts no one. He handles his own affairs...personal and business. Whether it's family, friends, or associates, a contract is always drawn up when handling business affairs and all Partners concerned, sign it.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
Thanks for the post - very insightful points. I acree with most of them. Not convinced about the last one :p
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Dan193 I know from experience that one works. Definitely haha
bookerdana · M
I may not be a wise man but definitely a wise guy😀
bookerdana · M
@LadyGrace A wise man often has a highly developed sense of humor to ensure longevity
LadyGrace · 70-79
@bookerdana Yes and he better hope the crowd has a sense of humor.
bookerdana · M
@LadyGrace Or the villagers might come for him😀

calicuz · 56-60, M
Not so sure about 14, but everything else sounds legit.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@calicuz For example, I know many movies stars that have taken risks and by doing so came out on top and even rich. Like Jim Carrey. We have to take not just risks, you notice, but calculated risks, but that takes a lot of planning and you have to be very careful. You don't want to put yourself in a position where you'll end up losing money. I took a risk and opened my own business on a few bucks. Had I not done that, I never would have succeeded. However, I agree that some people do this haphazardly, who have no common sense and "smarts". And a smart businessman never takes in a partner without everyone involved signing that contract! Never!
eyeno · M
Wise info indeed..👍

LadyGrace · 70-79
@eyeno 😂 cute picture. Thanks.

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