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I'm sure there's many places in Europe you could go about life without being judged for those things. But in America you'll have no issues getting jobs in those fields with any of that
Hassan · 22-25, M
@SW-User ahh that's gr8 ☺️ my goal is America.
@Hassan good luck and I should specify with america you would want a bigger city rather than smaller town to be on the safe end. Most small towns are really traditional
Hassan · 22-25, M
@SW-User i see. thankouu
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
A lot of what happens depends on the person with the special markings. I have piercings and tattoos and a very long full beard. I am widely accepted wherever I go.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Hassan Yes they are a bit more judgemental than the Christian churches I go to and preach at. I still don't have many issues with muslims. I did have one muslim woman run over my toes with her baby carriage one day. Her husband apologised. I laughed. I don't know if she was trying to make me angry or if she was mad at her husband and took it out on me.
Hassan · 22-25, M
@hippyjoe1955 hahaha 😂here they're so judgemental. I think because it's their land and they fear difference. It's not like that i fear them, but sometimes i don't feel safe in their areas. They're always angry; i think women with scarfs feel annoyed from the heat and start releasing their anger on their kids and everyone. Therefore, they raise angry kids😠😝
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Hassan You could be right. I'm Christian so my experience with muslims and muslim women is very limited. The ones I know do tend to be a bit withdrawn and aren't as outgoing as their husbands. Maybe just their personality. I have no way of knowing.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
In the United States reactions to this are all over the place. Bigger cities on the west and East Coast are more accepting. Liberal areas are pretty chill about it. No matter where you live though it can still be tricky to find a job depending on the field when you don’t look conventional.
Hassan · 22-25, M
@WhateverWorks i see 😬 here they tell us that in the US people don't stare at each other and don't care what others do. My question is, if someone with stretched ear was walking around a bunch of normal people would they call him names? Bully even if they don't know them?
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Oh that is definitely not true. Lots of people in the United States are judge-y and have a difficult time with accepting/understanding things that are not mainstream.
You gotta keep in mind that the United States is huge. It’s one country, sure, but it has a lot of variation depending on where you are.
They might depending on where he was walking around. Like I said, the areas that I mentioned wouldn’t, but there are plenty of places in the south and Midwest that might give him a hard time. Rough neighborhoods might insult him. Rich neighborhoods might not actually say anything, but they would still be possibly rude passive aggressively @Hassan
You gotta keep in mind that the United States is huge. It’s one country, sure, but it has a lot of variation depending on where you are.
They might depending on where he was walking around. Like I said, the areas that I mentioned wouldn’t, but there are plenty of places in the south and Midwest that might give him a hard time. Rough neighborhoods might insult him. Rich neighborhoods might not actually say anything, but they would still be possibly rude passive aggressively @Hassan
Hassan · 22-25, M
@WhateverWorks ahh okay so it's similar to here kinda; except it's 10x worse here.
CharlesRomsey · 61-69, M
It will all depend of the level of conformity expected in your society. In England, full facial tattoos are rare but not unknown whereas body tattoos are fashionable.
Hassan · 22-25, M
@CharlesRomsey how about ear plugs
CharlesRomsey · 61-69, M
@Hassan Is that where the earring piecing is extended? It's seen around, but I think it's going out of fashion - you shouldn't ask a 65 year old about what the latest trend is!
Hassan · 22-25, M
@CharlesRomsey yes that. Hahahaha it's chill
I had to Google ear tunnel.
I think it's all frowned upon in my country as well.
I think it's all frowned upon in my country as well.
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
Hassan · 22-25, M
@TurtlePink you think such people look yikes?
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
@Hassan I love yikes
Hassan · 22-25, M
@TurtlePink 😝
Plz don’t.. kill me 😔
Hassan · 22-25, M
@SW-User i don't mind