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I Admire People Who Are Not Afraid To Be Themselves

Yes i do, it takes courage to be the same person inside and outside in the mornings and evenings in good in bad.Being somebody else to gain others approval does not work in the long run either ;) Hypocrites can win people but eventually they loose themselves.

Does the pressure to confirm to society's norms bother you ever ? How do you generally react to it , would love to know from you.
Intissima · F
And me personally. I am nice and aware of people's feelings. I am polite yet honest. But I don't like being conventional and conforming to society. I will do me. And I can always sense that iv got too close to the boundary where if I keep going I will be accepted by society but then judged and expected to follow certain rules. So there are times when I have had one foot in and one foot out. Or even both feet in. But I don't hand around I make a quick exit. The more I have done it over the years the more confident I have become that society's rules have no power over me.
Intissima · F
This is interesting because I get both sides. I get being nice to avoid hurting someone's feelings and I get being honest to give a person the truth they may seek. It's hard to do both. And I believe that on planet earth we need both types. So I believe we should slip into the mode we are most comfortable with. Accept everyone is different and enjoy the diversity.
Intissima · F
My hobbies. I like hiking and reading about the power of food for healing. I love movies and documentaries. I like outdoorsy stuff like zip wiring etc.
What about you?
I also think that a person has to go on a journey of self development and improvement to actually step out of society. Not many people are brave enough to do it. And why would they. They have a sense of status and popularity. And anyone who doesn't conform is looked at as eccentric or quirky or different. But once a person steps out its like breaking free from invisible chains. And actually feel like a free spirit.
moonlighting · 41-45, M
Mine well internet,sport,working out,music,reading to name a few.Very true not many are bold enough to do that..and the others like you said are quirky.
moonlighting · 41-45, M
@Issima Thank you for elaborating yourself well , you have explained it so well.Have been there done that too.Non conforming can make us stronger,independent and honest.Have had issues fitting in too , foot in foot out like you said.I have admired strong headed non conformist people for long.
Intissima · F
You know I sometimes let my mind wonder. On subjects such as marriage and monogamy and I am like why are there so many rules. i was reading this book on Pompeii and the city that was buried beneath the volcanic ash. They had such an open approach to love and connections. I don't know but it's just interesting to me.
silentwriter180 · 51-55, F
Occasionally those pressures can be tedious, but if I'm not comfortable, I try to be as kind as possible without saying something I'll regret, and I try to change my situation/location. Not always easy, especially when I'm dealing with customers alone in the office.
Intissima · F
I hate answering questions like how many children do you have. It's not the actual question. It's fine go ahead ask. But then my answer is met with them calculating my age and then sending me putting glances and prayers. And recommending herbal doctors and such. I'm like back off. No words.
Intissima · F
Who do you admire? Anyone famous? I like people who are non conformist too. And people who like to break away from tradition. I believe it's people like that who inspire others.
moonlighting · 41-45, M
True i believe in free love and freedom of thought , can be stifling with the wrong person.Some go for open relationships and are together just for name has no calculations ;)
moonlighting · 41-45, M
I agree , people get too personal and i am no way going to open up to the nosey parkers ;) Live and let live , some dont get that...not everybody's life unfolds in the same way ie. "text book" lives
moonlighting · 41-45, M
Generally speaking Steve Jobs, lady Gaga, Prince, David bowie all are non conformist who were unique and never shy about who they are..
moonlighting · 41-45, M
@silent True one must handle such cases with care and diplomacy , what your doing seems the wise thing.Dealing with them alone is not easy for sure..
moonlighting · 41-45, M
I understand where you are coming , thats being diplomatic which is fine.What i meant was the Jekyl and hyde syndrome a person faking it in the extremes.
moonlighting · 41-45, M
Well typical study, professional and behavioural expectations, still single so pressure to marry have children lol etc
Hey moon ... I agree with you ... so many people are one way to one person and another way to the next... glad you're easy going. :D
moonlighting · 41-45, M
@liquid Hehe yeah very true i have observed that behaviour changes with people :) I am easy going as life is not worth stressing too much ;)
SumitaSarkar · 51-55, F
I remain same in every situations ..never bother about how society will react..
Morning moon! ... it was good...didn't have the alarm clock this morning...hehe ;)
moonlighting · 41-45, M
Rain for a change is good too , looks like a busy day ..have a good one hunn.
moonlighting · 41-45, M
@sunnygirl thanks for dropping by, wassup this Friday?
moonlighting · 41-45, M
Nice they are fine people too, what are your interests and hobbies?
Intissima · F
I love Helen Kellar, rosa parks, Martin Luther King.
moonlighting · 41-45, M
What plans for the day , hope you will spread the sunshine :)
moonlighting · 41-45, M
The other three are quirky musicians
moonlighting · 41-45, M
@sunshine hehe great start to the weekend then ;)
moonlighting · 41-45, M
Sure thing Sun , moon will call you just that
moonlighting · 41-45, M
How did your evening go sunshines ?
Intissima · F
Thanks I'll drop you an email
Heya moon...just stopping by to say hi! :D
p.s. ... call me Sun... moon... :D
moonlighting · 41-45, M
Looking forward to it !
oooh yeah haha :D
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
I think integrity and authenticity are sadly going away. I try to live an authentic life, more so now that I’m older and somewhat wiser. I still have much to learn though.
gonna be a rainy cool day here today so won't be enjoying the sunshine :(
lot's of errands to do... tomorrow I'm planning on chaining myself to the couch. :D
Intissima · F
Iv don't know much about the guys you mentioned. Steve jobs made the iPhone. But I'll have to look into him a bit more. I love interesting people.
Long weekend here in Canada .. woo hoo... hopefully lots of sun... :)
Intissima · F
What kind of pressures do you experience from society?
you too darlin ...take care :)
Intissima · F
I have sent you an email.
for sure... ; )

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