Nomad7 · 26-30, M
Getting bored of something has nothing to do with your intelligence. Anyway, the bottom line should be that you do something with something to achieve some kind of success. Do that and nobody’s going to ask you your college or high school GPA or for an IQ test score
Lostpoet · M
I always score high on I.Q. tests but struggled in school. Most of my problem was I never felt like I could compete against the other kids in class, so i'd just put my head down or not go to class at all. Gym classes were different. I kicked ass in those classes.
Andromedanian · 22-25, M
@Lostpoet high five brother. Something similar happens to me, I generally subconsciously would think to myself "oh man, everyone must have studied so much more than me for this test" or something like that. My anxiety and difficulty concentrating has always gotten the best out of me. When I've actually managed to force myself into trying to learn something I have always excelled at it, the thing is, that doesn't happen very often. I can't focus on something for too long, specially if I'm not too interested. And yeah, also when it comes to sports, specially contact sports, that's when I've felt the most comfortable.