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I Am a Sensitive Person

You know?...As an introvert..I can't quite put my finger on the correct word??
"undervalued" isnt quite it, that's too harsh
"underestimated?"...I don't know?
But I suppose if you don't join in the arguments
the tears, the reunions, the gossip, and all the other mood swings the world throws at you. People will forget you. And I think thats what most extroverts look for in a person..loud, and of many expressions and day they're fine, one day they're not fine...they fall out, they make friends again...what an eventful life!! How exciting!!!..great to be around!!!..

I'm a very quiet, but caring person..strong friendly connections, close personal connections...but in places where being extrovert and loud is an advantage..workplaces and all that..I feel quite lonely...perhaps not really excluded..but like you need to be an extrovert to be noticed, involved or to even progress in your job...cause we live in a "Who you know world" these days...were it's all about building bridges, and connecting with people x

Most certainly, being sensitive..I'm kind. I do avoid gossip because I don't like it.And avoid group chats due to having social anxiety. But, I'm actually so confident around people I don't know. And I feel, (for example), if it's like working with a customer? I'm all smiles and talk and helpful. The customer doesn't know me, I might never see them again?, and if I do?..they're not a family, friend, or colleague who know me?. Annnd, not that there's anything bad about knowing me?, I just have social anxiety...two major things I face in life..Epilepsy and having transitioned MtF...lot's of questions and a few absences have happen around people who have been around me longest....seizures, discrimination, or questions about identity...that's why I'm quiet, ..but confident around people who don't know me. However if I focus on being myself, introvert like, focused on my own creativity,and art...I might lead a happy life writing, and painting....but my worry is about stability and income (not that money is happiness) I'm more just speaking about the amount to live on ....which might then mean I'll have to take a more extroverted approach.
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RebelFox · 36-40, F
I know these feelings. Like you can’t get to where you know you can because rarely does anyone try to understand you. The extroverted can talk about everything without knowing anything sometimes, they talk, but don’t often listen or give you any space to respond genuinely. You’re sensitive and real, that threatens people who can joyfully ignore the silence and deep thoughts it brings. Yet it’s sooooo difficult for us to meet other introverts.

I’d say you are underestimated. That’s how I usually feel around others. My strengths and amazing adventures are swept away because I’m not loud or fast talking enough. Not attention grabbing.

But so you know, I see you. I’m pretty strange myself and I prefer to be around other quiet introverts. Do your art, do whatever brings you joy and look within. It’s hard to look within surrounded by loud, invasive personalities, but remember you’re amazing, sweet and sensitive, strong in your own way 🖤
iamnikki · 31-35, F
I can relate to alot of this. Literally was looking at taking public speaking courses yet again. Can't seem to find the right fit. I really need help with person to person communication, not public speaking.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@iamnikki They have introvert meet ups on
At least you know that the people that you are meeting up with feel the same way.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@REMsleep I've already tried Even started my own group and covid happened a few months later. Joined an entire "introvert coaching" type of group (outside of meetup) and it was a complete waste of time with no real help. Toastmasters, in my experience, doesn't help with interpersonal relationships. My public speaking skills are fine, as public speaking events/presentations are planned and prepared for. Regular conversations are not.
firefall · 61-69, M
Detached, sounds like the word you're looking for?
lovebcups · 61-69, M
Beautiful headshot

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