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Would you think I am the most intelligent man on Earth?

I could tell you the reasons why I am the most intelligent man on earth
1. I could read, this shows me I have more wit then others
2. I could count 1 - 10
3. I am not half-dressed like most people here
4. I use the backyard when I have a call of nature and never get stung by the nettles
5. My cravat
6. I could do calligraphy
7. The charming look of I
8. My 12-inch top hat makes me of a man of wit
9. My hairstyle is of exquisite (see my profile)
10. I know the 3R (Reading, wRiting, aRithmetics) well
11. I am the most refined man on Earth
12. I bath once a month, while most people get afflicted with the new virus because they bath too often.
13. My thick wool frockcoat
14. I drink from beaker, test tubes
15. I can grow my own pet in petri dishes
16. I play with my little ponies
17. I have brussels sprouts in my top hat.

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