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I Am Different [Being Different]

It's ironically ugly, that with literally tens of millions of different people making websites, from all over the world, and with billions of people writing posts and creating content of one kind or another... even with all of that, the pull of conformity still drives nearly every one of them to create the exact same bloody things. Granted, I mostly only see things written in the English speaking parts of the world - but that's still a hell of a lot of people, from a hell of a lot of different cultures and walks of life. And yet, on the entirety of the internet, there's not a single site that I've been able to find where people have serious discussions about anything, or put themselves out there in a way that's truly intimate. It's all shallow now - people all follow the unwritten social rule that nothing should ever exceed 240 characters. And that's fine for the people who want to live that way - I don't get it, but go for it if that's what floats your boat - but why is it that in a place like the internet - a place so vast that it should contain literally everything - why is it that it only contains the shallow? The one liners? The face-value wisdom? Why are there huge swaths of the human experience that simply don't exist here?

But I already know the answer - or at least a big part of it. We're sheep. We conform to the norms, and value others who do the same. Whenever we see someone putting out one liners or easily-digestible face-value wisdom, we look at it favorably - because it's within the standardized lines of what you're "supposed" to do. And whenever someone steps outside of those lines - like I'm doing right now - we look down on them. We don't include them, because they're not including themselves in the thin lines that are required in order to be a part of it. We look down on them - not because what they're doing is necessarily wrong or destructive, but purely because it's not within the lines.

And even in a place as vast and as varied as the internet - the collective creation of the whole human race - that same crushing conformity makes memes where there should be memes AND other things. It makes one liners where there should be one liners AND ten liners AND even a few hundred liners. And I'm sure that there are other factors at play too. There are also undoubtedly at least a few counterexamples to my idea that there are huge swaths of the human experience that don't exist at all here. But by and large, I think that the picture that I've painted is true, and that it'll be rejected by nearly all of the 5 people who bother to read it, because neither what I'm saying nor how I'm saying it are within the lines of what people are supposed to say, or how they're supposed to say it.

I sometimes wonder if Autistic people are a step forward, rather than a step back. Or if they're a step back, but in the right direction. I don't believe in God, but if I did, then I would wonder if Autistic people were God's way of trying to strip away all the crap, and wake us up to ourselves. Maybe one last desperate attempt before we finally blow ourselves away.
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IBHappy · F
Interesting perspective. I do understand the point you are trying to make, but a rant is still a rant. I think the simplistic one liners and simple responses and memes come out of convenience. It's faster and easier to use a meme to say what you want to say, rather than write a novel on the idea. People have short attention spans. Short and sweet can be just as effective.

This and other social media sites are taking the place of meaningful human interaction and socialization where you can have a deep intense discussion and communicate.

Unfortunately the nature of society suffers because social media and this form of communication is predominant. We have a generation that does not know how to effectively communicate let alone socialize face to face.
BlueDiver · 41-45, M
I was part of the last generation of kids who actually played with the other kids in the neighborhood. And not just because it was the norm back then, but because there was literally nothing else to do. Then we got our first computer, and I eventually got a TV in my room... I think that you're right when you say that social media sites are taking the place of more meaningful human interaction. But I'd take it a step further, and add that all forms of electronic entertainment and interaction have played a role in it.

Short and sweet can be just as effective... for some things. But there are a hell of a lot of things that just can't be conveyed unless you take your time with it.

What you're saying about one liners and memes reminds me of a Yoda quote: Luke asks Yoda if the dark side is stronger, and he says something like "faster, easier - but not stronger."
IBHappy · F
Very true. I do agree with you.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I thing the real good decent dialogue here is more in PMs between a small percentage of lucky people here that find themselves.

I think people don't spend much time in the story section here because of site format [not that I have any brilliant how to fix suggestions] yet the story section is the exact place one would expect to find the non meme, non oneliner engagements you describe/seek.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@SW-User unfortunately so.
BlueDiver · 41-45, M
@Starcrossed You're not the first person who I've heard that from. Heh - there was a time when the questions section was for the drivel, and the stories section tended to be more meaningful... but that was a long time ago. In a lot of ways, it hasn't truly been that way since EP. God I miss that site.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@BlueDiver I love the words at the bottom of your about me
Peppa · 31-35, F
Have you considered that actually the internet has created a impatient society. Sorry to say this but I didn't read all this post I got the gist and read a rant. My brain automatically started to shut down. I think that's mire the reason than shallowness. We've become accustomed to quick easy information. Adverts are plenty flashy short maybe repetitive but you get the message that how the internet is.
BlueDiver · 41-45, M
It's funny, but I didn't think of this as a rant when I was writing it. I thought of it as something like an article or an opinion piece, maybe because I've reached the point where I'm so resigned to it that I just don't have any passion for it anymore.
Do you have a Cliff's Notes version of this? 😏

I agree with you 100%. But I'll add this. People claim they want honesty and genuineness... but the truth is, they don't. They don't want to be bothered with your or anyone else's reality... they can barely handle their own. So honesty and reality is quickly stifled. It's either ignored completely or the mob attacks. Either way, one is quickly silenced and falls into alignment... at least in public.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Smile. Thanks for sharing.
Limitations in my capability of the English language,
is keeping me from deep discussions
besides that,
I don't like to engage

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