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I Always Get Asked Why Im So Quiet

Ever get asked why you are so quiet by the same person who talks over you or disregards what you say every time you talk?🤔 Would you really like to know, or would you like for me to listen to you talk about yourself for a few more hours?🙄
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BehindHerTears · 31-35, F
Just sometimes lol. I'm usually the one that observes when their speaking and I give advice in the end whether they take it or not.
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
Sounds like my family get togethers/holidays 😂
LiRamona · 22-25, F
@YoungPoet345 Same here🙄😂
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Have you ever been introduced as 'quiet'?

I have."This is nikki, she's real quiet". 🙄
LiRamona · 22-25, F
@iamnikki yes! I haven't even had a chance to get warmed up to the person yet. After they say that, they already expect the "quiet girl." It's pretty annoying.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@LiRamona exactly. It gives that person an impression of you before you even get the chance to make an impressionl for yourself. 😓
Sounds like you spent the day with my mom
LiRamona · 22-25, F
I understand :D
LiRamona · 22-25, F
@SW-User I'm glad someone else does 🙄❤
Used to happen with me, stop taking life seriously :D
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Yes. Or " she never talks". People act like we're (introverts) are mute. I'll talk to anyone. But like anyone else,if I don't find you interesting at all, I'm not gonna make up small talk and talk to you.

I talk to people I like. I think people think they are more important than they actually are. They make it seem like the problem is the introvert. Um no, it's you. You talk to freaking much.

Sorry for the rant
LiRamona · 22-25, F
@iamnikki I agree 100 percent 👏👏👏
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@LiRamona thanks🙂
All the damn time !

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