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Memoars of an ambivert

If you're observing closely, you can see that my energy on here comes in waves.

For ambiverts. Our source of energy is ambivalent so the need for us is more about catching up on current energy source, whether it's alone time or social interactions. And ideally have a plan B when that switches over night. Like a light switch anytime without any heads up and it's a hell of a rollercoaster.

Usually I have a period of increasing energy and then after a while I suddenly feel instantly depleted and just wanna go back inside my shell and stay there looong.

You might not see me on for days, weeks, months. Once I'm back I'm 200% social and active again.

However it's not like bipolar disorder when you go from screaming happy to absolutely miserable (even suicidal). My mood isn't changing. Only my source of energy.
bookerdana · M
I just check if my coffee level is full..Skol!
bookerdana · M
@Queendragonfly Mine is💯
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@bookerdana 100% Coffeeine
bookerdana · M
@Queendragonfly As much as the law will allow 😤
Sorry for taking some of that from you.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@Desolate That's the point. I use it up then I need to recharge.

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