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Any INTJ's here attracted to Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian?

I have the next two days off, and started my day off with blocking Paris Hilton on twitter.

Kim Kardashian was 100× worst for me because wherever I would go on the West Coast and Hawaii, however small and secluded the spot, if I went indoors I would see a polaroid or picture of Kim Kardashian posing in the shop or restaurant. Somehow we have the same tastes and that is deeply unsettling to a bookish introverted male like me.

She became famous via a means I don't understand. Before I deployed to Iraq I hear she was in a bad s-x video, then when I returned she was super famous, and nobody could explain why when I asked. I wanted details, and nobody could explain it. It was Kim Kardashian, and women everywhere were wearing ridulously oversized sunglasses. It made no sense.

Paris Hilton was at least born into New York socialite circles as a wealthy heiress. If I was a woman I wouldn't take her as a role model or be a fan, and it certainly doesn't qualify you for rockstar status, but she has more claim to fame as a birthright. She isn't really that attractive and I'm sure mkst of what she got at this point is due to her infinite wealth access to plastic surgeries and beauty stylists, and her fame just outright bought via agencies representing her "brand". As Kim Kardashian was a nobody, I'm guessing social mountain climbing Machiavellian so likely it's summed up to intelligence, but she still comes off as rather dumb and I really can't comlrehend how she is famous. Most women famous for being skillless but beautiful, like a playmate, have a short hollywood lifespan. Kim just.... didn't go away. Paris Hilton managed to dissapear for years, but Kim didn't. Always there, talking on TV, for apparently no reason at all. As a civilization, she is the best we can do as a universal female persona all women can get behind.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
They are both nobodies, famous only for being famous!

I do not regret knowing almost nowt about either women beyond one living on Daddy's money and the other being a TV chatterbox / clothes-horse; and neither apparently doing owt very useful.

Nor do I regret not using Twitter.

There are many women famous in their fields for really worthwhile careers, but we rarely hear about them because they and their work do not match the dim-wit stereotypes needed by dim-wit male TV "executives" making dim-wit chat-shows to suit dim-wit commercial sponsors.

("Executive": in the entertainments trade, often meaning "over-promoted filing-clerk".)
Why have you been following her in the first place 🤔

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