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''The Coven of Witches"

That fought the Natzis during WW2.

I am posting this today, because of D-Day 6/6/44. The American, Canadian, and British forces landed on Normandy, to free France from occupied Germany.

Meanwhile, in Europe, things weren't going quite as well for the British Expeditionary Force. Nazi Germany had captured its objectives in Poland, and had already conquered Denmark, Norway, Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg. As the German Army pushed farther into France in May 1940, hundreds of thousands of Allied soldiers had to be evacuated from the beaches of Dunkirk. Paris was captured in June 1940, and France was forced to capitulate.

But Gardner wanted to do more, and believed he had the magical ability to take the fight to the Nazis. The lore of the New Forest Coven included a ritual that had been used twice to defend the British Isles from the threat of an invasion. By creating a "Cone of Power," he and his coven could affect real-world events from the security of the New Forest. British witches had purportedly used the Cone of Power in 1588 to help fight off the Spanish Armada and in 1805 to end Napoleon's threat to England. They were going to use it once more in 1940.

Less than a year later, Hitler would invade the USSR and declare war on the United States, neither of which he was bound to do. These were two critical miscalculations on the German leader's part that would have disastrous consequences for his regime. To Gerald Gardner and the New Forest Coven, it was proof positive that the Cone of Power had once again saved Britain.


Since tomorrow is the New Moon, Binding spells should be done.

Top | New | Old
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
British forces.
WalksWith · 56-60, F
@AndysAttic Thanks! Changed it.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
I can relate to that.

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