Don't be in too much of a hurry to label yourself. Feeling part of a group is cool and all but allow yourself to try all kinds of different approaches and traditions. Find what works for you.
Take what you find and learn with a grain of salt.
For it was for years being told "gods are just achetypes, magick is just pop psychology with props..etc. None of that ever really rang true for me and directly contradicted some of my own experiences over the last 25 years.
For me it always felt like a justification to the out group or justifying your beliefs to the secular world. I have seen and experienced things that cannot be explained away by the mundane.
For you it might turn out to be the opposite.
Don't join a group unless you feel sure it is right for you. Most decent groups have introductory courses and the like to help you learn but also to see if you are a good fit for each other.
Any group that doesn't should be a red flag.
Write and take note of your progress. It can really help earlier on and even later to see your progress looking back.
Even if you don't belong to a group try and see if you can find a buddy to work on some things with. Even better if they are a bit more experienced. I have seen people mess with stuff they were not even close to ready for on their own and things got out of hand. This is doubly true if you get into anything that involves something like flying ointment.
Be careful and do research before you try stuff you find in a book or online. I have heard of people taking baths with minerals because of their correspondences to magick and not bothering to check that they are not water soluble and in some cases leech toxic chemicals into water.
Or burning nutmeg as incense. Don't do that indoors unless to point is to get stoned out of your mind.
Probably plenty of other things that I will likely think about later. lol