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Can satan be rehabilitated?

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“SATAN, n. One of the Creator's lamentable mistakes, repented in sashcloth and axes.

Being instated as an archangel, Satan made himself multifariously objectionable and was finally expelled from Heaven. Halfway in his descent he paused, bent his head in thought a moment and at last went back.

"There is one favor that I should like to ask," said he.

"Name it."

"Man, I understand, is about to be created. He will need laws."

"What, wretch! you his appointed adversary, charged from the dawn of eternity with hatred of his soul—you ask for the right to make his laws?"

"Pardon; what I have to ask is that he be permitted to make them himself."

It was so ordered.”

― Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
DocSavage · M
Here’s a more relevant question. Under the conditions outlined by Christianity and the bible, does everyone who is not worthy of Heaven , deserve to go to Hell ?
DocSavage · M
Christians still like to criticize Atheist as sinners simply because they don’t believe. They get the free ride as long as they brown nose Jesus.
Seems very unfair.

When most people speak of hell they are actually thinking about the Islamic hell and not the Christian hell. It pays to know your hells because they are very different.

Jack, a renown atheist, dies and to his utter surprise ends up in Hell where he’s greeted by Satan himself.

Completely shocked he talks to the devil and says: “Well, I’ve been wrong all my life and I guess I’m now to pay the price for my lack of faith”

Satan laughs and replies: “Awh it’s not so bad down here, let me give you the tour so you can see for yourself”

He then proceeds to escort Jack through a beautiful lush green plain with flowers, scattered here and there there’s a bunch of houses where other “damned” live.

As they pass through each house the inhabitants recognize Satan and invite them inside for a drink and a chat, request that’s always granted by the two.

Every time they stop to a house Satan never fails to display how much of a lovely guy he really is by telling amazing stories, singing, cracking jokes and just generally being a great person.

At sunset the devil sees that Jack was very tired and decides to show him the house he’ll be spending the rest of eternity into.

As they walk to Jack’s new house the two pass close to a huge wall and Jack asks: “What’s behind there?”

Satan: “Oh, nothing that should concern you, pay it no mind”

Despite his curiosity Jack thought better not to bother Satan with further questions and just followed him to his new house where Satan promised he’d be back the following morning to show him the recreational center before finally bidding him a goodnight after a long day.

That night however Jack kept thinking back at the whole situation he’s in and how surreal everything was until his thoughts eventually jumped to the wall he saw earlier in the day.

After a few minutes trying to guess what could there be behind that wall that Satan couldn’t even tell him he decided he should investigate, as such he took a deep breath and dived into the night walking back to the place where the wall was.

Once there he searched for some clues until he saw some faint light coming from a spot in the wall; upon closer inspection he saw that there was a hole and the light was coming from behind the wall.

Jack took a deep breath and scrounged up the courage to look into the crack on the wall and what he saw was a spectacle much alike what he always thought hell would be.

On the other side of the wall huge flames were scattered all over a burnt and scalding hot ground and much to his horror he saw other souls inside that nightmare being eternally burned and never consuming, screaming and pleading for help.

Jack rushed back into his place where he just quietly sobbed and cried all night for he was sure now that the Devil was just toying with him to give him a bit of hope right before tossing him into eternal despair.

The following morning Satan showed up once again and told Jack to come with him.

Jack pleaded: “PLEASE! PLEASE! Don’t take me to hell, I’ll do anything just let me stay here, I don’t wanna burn for all eternity!”

Satan: “What are you talking about??? I’m just gonna show you the recreational center like I told you yesterday”

Jack: “Don’t lie to me, I saw what was going on behind the giant wall!”

Satan: “Ooooh you saw that! Don’t worry that’s not for you, that’s the Christian hell”

Jack: “The christian hell? Why would the christian hell be like that?”

Satan: “I don’t know either man, they just want it that way”
DocSavage · M
Heard that one before. So true.
DocSavage · M
Satan gives us perspective. We need him to have free will, and the ability to make choices and look beyond limits.
Christians give him a bum rap. Truth is we need him to evolve.
DocSavage · M
What is your solution? Program the belief in a god, so the robot will believe it has a moral obligation to stay in the room ?
Or more simple, as a self aware life form, it decides it has the right to choose it’s own destiny. Would you deny any, intelligent being that right, if you could trust it enough not to destroy everything and everyone around it ?
The movie, Blade Runner , addresses the question. The Artificial people had self awareness, but no choice, or control of their destiny. In time they did learn free will, and morality. But, they were still slaves to their creators.
We’re they wrong to rebel ?
@DocSavage I didn't have a solution. I'm just curious how a programmer's possible solutions would parallel human attempts to control behavior. Or, how similar they would be to "god's" programming. Whether you say god or nature, there is clearly a force that created us, and it seems to have "programmed" us to behave within certain parameters in order to ensure survival.

unless the artificial beings can be cheaply mass-produced, it wouldn't be wise to let them figure things out on their own.

I haven't seen Blade Runner, but I'm assuming that, if they rebelled, it was because they were being mistreated. In this case, it's not a matter of programming, but how they are treated by their creators.
@DocSavage Actually, this post was inspired by some goofy song I heard on the radio at work. One of the lines was,
Hey little devil I'm gonna make an angel out of you
Renaci · 36-40
Why? To make him evil instead of good?
@Renaci Satan killed my cat. Satan is bad

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