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"woke pagans"

haha i really hate people like this
Firstly this kid clearly knows nothing on Thor. That much is obvious with this dumb sign. I get he or she is against racism and that is cool, just keep Paganism out of it when you are so clearly clueless. Basically, stop trying to modernize it with your political beliefs

now these are even bigger fools who look like they are cosplaying. They cant even make a sign that makes any sense. If they want to make a comparison to Adam and Eve in the Norse pantheon, Odin and Freya are not it.
Im honestly embarrassed for all of people like this. On one radical side you actually have white racists trying to claim Norse Gods and on the other you have these idiotic lefties trying to do it.
I just wish all of them would fuck off

ohh and lastly on this completely random thread of me just bitching because why not.. Anyone who actually calls themselves a Viking, is a pathetic wannabe. Vikings are dead and just cause you get a shitty haircut that you seen actors have when portraying a Viking on a tv, or getting dumb tattoos and claiming to be a pagan without any actual knowledge does not make you a Viking
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pdxlinux · 41-45, M
i am xtian but i support what you write on this subject.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@pdxlinux could apply to any culture really. Just morons who have nothing to do with it, try and adapt it for themselves and change everything about it to fit their modern world views
SnailTeeth · 36-40, M
I'm sure their community will take this into consideration. It's weird how no one broached this subject sooner.
Imagine ehat their possible viking ancestors would have thought of this- rainbow flag non-binary kid and then after a cuck holding a sign.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic these people are the type to have a dna test and have like 2% Scandinavian in them, so they try making it their whole identity while also trying to change everything about that culture
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
So what I'm hearing you say is, Thor loves racists?
pdxlinux · 41-45, M
@LordShadowfire i'm changing the subject. i dont assume that ancient religions are humanistic. racism concept created by humanists. although a side note applies: something i read on a yahoo news article said, if i remember correctly, that vikings conquered non-scandinavians and absorbed them into their tribes regardless of their skin color/origin/etc.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@pdxlinux i guess, dont believe any old shit you read online 🤷‍♂️

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